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shelleyfay Asked June 2013

How do I approach mom with the fact that I would like her to live in her own place?

Bobcon1o Jun 2013
Shelley--too many variables here. Is she now living with you? Does she have a place of her own? Can she take care of herself? If she is living with you--does that seriously crimp your lifestyle? To think through these questions and others may help you to cone up with a way to truthfully and lovingly tell your mom,

BJ1Okla Jun 2013
Sadly I know this is something I am facing. I can't see myself being able to move my Mom until she reaches a point when she can't take care of her own personal needs. My Mom is a lot bigger than I am and I will not be able to help her, physically. I have no advice to offer, just letting you know you've been heard and we all know how you feel.


Perseverance Jun 2013
First off, how old is your Mom, how long has she lived with you, is she capable of living on her own, and how did she end up living with you?

Background info is helpful to answer appropriately. :-)

Based on your question alone, you sit down with her and tell her "Mom, you know I love you, right? Okay. This may be hard to hear, but I have to be honest with you and myself. I really think it is time for you to find your own place."

Honesty is always best. Speak the truth in love.


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