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homehealthcare Asked June 2013

Spine disorders and home health care. What should I do?

what should I do, my mom got backbone disorder?

MishkaM Jul 2013
Hi besthomecare,
I am not sure how to help you. Can you explain a little more about your Mom and here disability.
My daughter has some spinal issues. For her spinal column-the back bone -we go to an orthopedic. And for her spinal cord-the nerves-we go to a neuro surgeon. Not a neurologist but a neuro surgeon.
We are in the stage of just watching her issues as they are not presenting any symptoms( like pain, incontinence, change in how she walks, numbness ...). We were getting X-rays every six month-low level radiation ones, to check her spondiliosis and her spondiolithesis but have been moved to yearly (yay!) . She has a lowered spinal cord which can indicate a tethered cord-a spinal cord that is attached to the base of the back bone instead of floating freely as it should but they cannot see it attached unless they do a surgery. Anyway-we have been keeping an eye on that for years for the before mentioned signs and it has been OK so far (TY god!). We have now been moved to neuro surgery every 2 years as she has probably reached her height potential at almost 17 and the risk of the cord getting pulled to the point of causing damage is less now.
Anyway-just saying , with the spinal cord and column it is best to go to specialists.

Good luck!

anonymous175958 Jul 2013
Spinal diseases often cause pain when bone changes put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. They can also limit movement. Treatments differ by disease, but sometimes they include back braces and surgery.



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