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Helmasdaughter Asked July 2013

My mom is in a memory unit for Alzheimer's. Visits can be very upsetting to her. Any suggestions?

We visit her everyday, no exception. We also take her out if we are having a family gathering. The staff reports her becoming very agitated after we leave her and suggest that someone not come every day. Any thoughts would be appreciated

sunflo2 Jul 2013
Not sure how long she has been there but agree with vw9729, slow the visits and see if that helps. Consider keeping visits shorter. Also, maybe time the she better early in the day.? After lunch?

Maybe stop taking her away from facility while she adjusts. Consider just bringing lunch and picnic at the facility outside. Maybe attend some center activities with her where she is still among other residents and their visitors so she adjusts and can observe others where their visitors leave.

I agree to consult with her nurses, attendants and director to get their advice and recommended approach. Leave drugs as last resort, but if needed and recommended to decrease anxiety, by all means consider.

vw9729 Jul 2013
Helmasdaughter - if the visits are truly becoming very upsetting to your mom, I'd follow the facility's request for a couple of weeks and only visit every other day to see if that alleviates the problem. Maybe too many people are coming in a single day too? If so, you may want to discuss setting up a schedule with your siblings for this couple of weeks. If after a couple of weeks of every other day visits and your mom is still getting upset, then it doesn't really matter when anybody visits - she's just going to get upset. And if that's the case, I suggest you talk to her doctor about her anxiety. He may prescribe something to help her with this. Good luck!!



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