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Vickitun Asked July 2013

My husband was diagnosed with dementia/alzheimers a year ago. He drives locally ok.

I'm 70, husband is 77, was a farmer and Telephone installer/manager. He has always been able to fix anything. No longer. .No one has talked turkey to him and told him like it is, not the Dr.s he has seen, my doc or me.

Jinx4740 Jul 2013
I just asked my 68 yo husband when he thinks he will have to stop driving. He said 15 to 20 years. I'm thinking 1 to 5 years. He's still mostly good, but we've had a few close calls.

They tell me that here in Boston, there's a test you can take to evaluate your fitness to drive. (Beth Israel Deaconess) The AARP also has programs. I figure next year he and I will go and get tested together.

virtualhorizon Jul 2013
What is his driving actually like? The ability to drive safely is one of the first things to go with Alzheimer's. Years before my Dad was diagnosed with AD his driving ability began to diminish. He used to be the best driver in the world! But it soon became obvious that his ability was going downhill. He began driving too close to the curb, not only in the neighborhood but on the main streets through town. He sometimes slowly crept toward the center stripe. Once when I was in the car with him and my Mom he went through a red light. It was almost like he was daydreaming as he drove, yet he was trying to be very careful. One day we just told him he couldn't drive anymore. He didn't argue. I think he realized that he couldn't drive as well as he once could and that he would be a danger to himself and to others. He was still able to pass his drivers test last time out. It comes due next year and he still mentions his license, wondering whether its in a safe place! I take both of them where they need to go now -- mostly doctors appointments!

Would your husband argue if you suggested he stop driving? Here's some info from the Mayo Clinic:
It might answer some questions for you. The article notes that a lot of times its the caregiver (you) who notices when driving becomes impaired. It might be time for you to discuss this with him. You might be surprised. He might actually agree that he has a problem.



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