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Faithfulness Asked August 2013

Has anyone started anyone on Donepezil Hcl Tabs 5 mg for memory loss/dementia?

My mother is 83 and borderline dementia. Her immediate memory seems to be going fast now. She's been tested and it isn't necessarily Alzheimer's. I am scared to start her! She has always been sensitive to meds. It is such a daunting decision as I look at her and she seems fine - you can't SEE what is happening inside yet by NOT giving her the meds and a chance I'm holding back her potential memory improvement. I feel like if something negative happens I will be destroyed, yet, the person I knew my whole life is slowly leaving anyway. It is so sad.

EXPERT Deanna Lueckenotte Aug 2013
Think about what your loved one's wishes are in regards to medications. For example: my family knows to not give me dementia specific medications unless they have grown leaps and bounds in their abilities to ward off the disease process. The reason I have made this choice is due to the way my body interacts with medications. If there is a side effect I will have it. On the other hand my husband's wish is to be given any dementia specific medication as soon as the doctor states it is time. It truly is a decision to make on what your loved one's wishes have been in regards to medication intake. If you are not aware of what your loved one would want then talk with the doctor about side effects and gauge how your loved one has reacted to past medications. Also explore with doctor about what the medication success record has been. Basically its track record. Ask about stats in other patients. Weigh the pros and cons and make a decision from the information you gather from the doctor along with the wishes of your loved one with dementia.
Wishing you strength, courage and happiness with those in their days gone by,


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