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Cinderella53 Asked August 2013

After 30 years...why now?

We have been married almost 30 years and my husband always called me dear..the last couple months he has started calling me by my first name. Is this because he has started thinking of me as a caregiver instead of his wife?
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

ibnorris Aug 2013
Yes I agree with Blannie. Outside help so you have a chance to remember yourself. You are still quite young and you are dealing with a lot. I too married an older man and now he has Alzheimer's. I once was his darling and now I am his mean mom.
I think we mourn what "used to be" and still want them to behave the same way toward us.
My husband and I have been married 26 years.

blannie Aug 2013
If he has a brain shrinking disease, it may be a part of the disease. I wouldn't place too much emphasis on it. I know it's hard to care for someone you love and to watch them go downhill. But don't torture yourself by focusing on what he calls you. I'm sure it's hard for him too, having you become more of his caregiver than a wife. But neither of you can help that situation...

Is there a way you can get some outside help, so that once in a while you could share some time as a couple, maybe a meal together with candles and music, or something that you enjoy doing together as a couple - like watch a favorite TV show together or listen to music together, something like that? Just something to re-establish your couple bond, apart from the situation of his medical condition and your need to be his caregiver?


anonymous182580 Aug 2013
If it bothers you, why don't you just ask him why he stopped calling you dear?

anonymous182580 Aug 2013
I would not place too much importance on that word, as long as he doesn't start calling you someone else's name :-) It's how he treats you that is important.

purplesushi Aug 2013
Ooookay - I take that back - I should've read your profile first... I didn't realize you were caring FOR your husband! Eek! Sorry about that!

purplesushi Aug 2013
Sounds like you need some time away with your husband, even if only for a couple of days. I know it's hard when you are caring for someone, but you need to make your marriage a priority. JMO.


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