I work full tine, giver her breakfast and meds in the morning. Come home care for her and take Sat, evening as my break day. My siblings are accusing me of Elder abuse because I don't pay rent , I do pay some utilities and buy all the groceries. No one else wants to move in to share the help. Please advise.
11 Answers
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You are NOT abusing your mom and you are NOT taking advantage of her. At the very least your presence lends itself to your mother's personal safety. You are caring for your mom and making it possible for her to stay in her own home, which is priceless.
Tell your siblings they are welcomed to move in with and take care of her (do all the things you do), and if they aren't willing to do that then they need to shut the hell up.
I look through all the work I do here at my mother's house. I do everything except watch TV for her. My bills each month are about $1.5K, while hers are about $1K. There is no mortgage, only house upkeep. She has her phone, I have mine. She has her TV, I have my computer. She pays the house utilities. I pay the car expenses. We both buy groceries. It would cost me about $700 more a month to live elsewhere, so one might say she is paying me about $700 a month. This gets her a cook, maid, yardman, chauffeur, grocery shopper, accountant, plumber, nursing assistant, and companion. It keeps her from having to go into a nursing home -- priceless to her.
If you are just living in the house to keep an eye on her but she is still caring for herself and cooking and cleaning, then maybe you should be helping by paying bills or rent. If you are an honest to goodness care giver then NO I don't think you should be required to pay rent as your services are worth something in all this.
Useless siblings, looking for a piece of the pie without buying the ingredients or cooking it are leeches. You are paying rent via utilities, groceries, caregiver.
I recommend you listen to Perseverance & Raven and list all that you do down. I'm sure if they were in your shoes for 24hrs they wouldn't last!
Personally I was brought into my parents home because I was sick, along with my daughter. My parents cared for me and therefore I promised them I would care for them.
My father has passed but I am caring for my Mother and I do not pay rent per se, but what I do pay is 1/3 of all household expenses. My mother and sister pay the other 2/3 of household expenses. I take all reoccurring expenses, Water and Power, Gas, Cable which includes TV, Internet and Phone, and I keep a log book and I figured it out for an entire year and we just pay a set amount each month that goes into an account.
As far as "should you be required to pay," that is honestly a different story and only one that you and your siblings can work out. Is it fair for them to be angry with you for not paying rent? My answer would be "No not really." First of all I would hope that you are a very good and conscience care giver to your Mom who wants to do the very best for her that you can. If this is the case, I would call around to agencies and find out just how much it would cost to hire someone to come in and do the work you do. In California the cost is $25 per hour for someone good, although you might be able to find someone for about $12, but they may not be exactly what you would have wished for. The next thing I would do would be to call some Nursing Homes or Live in Facilities and ask for their costs. I would also keep meticulous records about everything I did for Mom each and every day. Next I would present it to my siblings and tell them that this is what they are looking at paying for someone to care for Mom if they don't want you doing it. I would show them all the receipts of items or bills you have been paying so they can see that you are helping to pay for household expenses. You are basically going to have to "prove" to them that you are actually working to care for Mom and not just plopped on the couch watching soap operas all day.
You need to have a calm conversation with your siblings or write them a letter being kind and explain the situation, lay out the facts and tell them that your labor in caring for Mom is worth something and therefore anything that you may not pay in rent is more than paid for in the labor, love and care, you provide to Mom.
Our siblings never seem to see the value in the services we perform and it makes me crazy! I have two siblings and one lives with us, but I am basically the sole care giver. They work and bring in a weekly paycheck, they pay into social security and pensions, that I do not have nor will I have when I become of age to make use of it. This never phases them, in a way if I sat and thought about it, I am not much more than a slave who basically works for room and board although I PAY for 1/3 of that!
You need to have this difficult conversation with your siblings, start with one who you think will side with you and then go on to the others. In the meantime, be the best care giver you can be to your Mom, no one else offered to do it, did they?
They have ZERO clue what it means to be a caregiver.