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inqubabee12 Asked August 2013

What are the down sides to having just anyone care for an Alzheimer's person?

She was hired to watch my moms friend for 4 hrs a day, she lives in home rent free. but the ALZ person is never cleaned or dressed properly what can we do to help her she is a dear friend of my mom and The husband is a JERK cant we say she needs to be certified or fill out taxes..... something anything?

julidu Sep 2013
From our experience in Alabama - yes taxes are an issue, but that is generally something agreed upon when you hire someone. You can contact social services, in Alabama we have an elder abuse hotline you can call. Calling their doctor and reporting your concerns is also an issue.

From a different side I talked my husband's family into hiring a company instead of an individual by explaining liability concerns. If the "aide" or "caregiver" gets hurt they would be responsible.


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