my dad has poa over mom. she is in n/h. my sister had him sign papers at new n/h to move mom. 2 wks later he asked about moms treatment for her cancer and the adm told him she could tell him nothing that he had to speak with his daughter, that he was not poa anymore and that he signed the papers. he tried to explain that he did not read the papers and that his daughter told him it was paperwork for hospital to treat mom. sister says adm explained to him. he was so upset that day she was moved from hospice home to n/h. he did not hear what they said (he does not remember adms telling him he was losing poa) he is totally deaf in one ear and can barely hear out of the other. I do not know what to do to correct this. my parents havelost everything they have paying for med bills. now she is on Medicaid. my father is willing to have him and one other person as poa. obviously, I feel by doing something so underhanded that this should be revoked and having no money for atty I feel helpless. after 52 yrs of marriage he can't even ask anyone about any medical care or anything. just unbelievable that family has to be so mean to each other. this is not the way mom would have wanted. HELP PLEASE THIS IS SO SAD!!!!!!!
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On the other hand, if it was possibly done for a good reason, like Mom needing a POA who can actually manage things better, then Dad could be co-POA and/or sister can grant permission in writing for Dad to get any information he wants.