Anne is my grandmother, Joan is her daughter who is Annes next of kin. Joan has slowly taken away my 'rights' of knowing anything about Anne. Joan is negligent and never goes to see Anne leaving her alone on holidays (she lives twenty mins from Anne I live over one hour) forcing me to drive up all the time to care for her, shop for her and see her on holidays as she refuses to go and see her only to take to doctor appts. )
I used to take care of annes cars. Joan and her daughter susan live for free in a house given to them but they want Annes house and many times tried to pull it out from under her driving her to attorneys and financial advisors and all of them in offices putting pressure on her to sign power of attorney and deed to house to them.
They finally took annes car from her brand new knowing she might give it to me and I was the sole person who took care of the car.
Joan tells doctors not to speak to me, grass and lawn people only talk with Joan and Susan. I am the one who always calls her several times per day and shops for her weekly at least one time a week. They never come over only for doctor appts.
Do I have legal rights as a granddaughter? I was going to stay with Anne a while while I seek another full time job but afraid Joan can tell anne she does not want me at her house. Anne is 99 but in good health ...Can they tellme to leave if Anne says it is ok to stay? Can I insist with the doctor I get Annes reports. Joan tried to put anne away twice. I caught her doing so and stopped it.
I have been told by others Joan considers me to be a threat to her and her 'future bank' with Anne. Anne has willed it all to Joan. Joan wants susan to have it all susan hates anne. never did anything for her but acts like her best friend in front of doctors and hospitals. Joan has recently been diagnosed with cancer not sure if she will make it. I have been Annes friend, granddaughter, shopper and call her many times throughout the day. They leave her alone without any support emotionally. She cries to me frequently. What are my rights?
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