My sister has POA over my mom. However the POA was drawn up when my mom was in a skilled nursing facility. She was not in the right state of mind to sign anything. How can I make the POA invalid. The POA was drawn up last November. Do I need a lawyer?
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Good luck to you.
There's too much of this going on...
You will need an attorney to over turn the POA. Was mom placed in a facility due to her mind? If so, Alzheimer's, if so what stage (obtain doctors report which should include a date and diagnosis) Most neurologists will estimate the stage of Alzheimer's.
The facility if violating your mother's rights. Be careful however, if your mom is confused or has been prompted, she may claim you have taken all of her money (for example) and she doesn't want to see you. The facility has to honor the wishes of the resident.
I am so sorry this is happening. Please let us know what happens. I ache for you.
Again, if there is a restraining order you would be in violation of that not go in this case. If there are other allegations that you are aware of you had better get an attorney.
Please provide us with more information and/or the outcome.
I have had 2 slendid careers in my life. I thought I was done working but it appears I will be entering the field of nursing home reform and advocacy and/or possibly ombudsman services!
That said, he will not be involved in any decisions, but he will always be able to see our Mom (as long as there is someone here to supervise) and I will leave while he is here. He's very manipulative.
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