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clinardja Asked September 2013

Can I deduct the cost of a caregiver?

I'm elderly. I need the help of a care giver. So I have hired one. Will I be able to deduct these costs when I file my Federal Income Tax for this year?

Jinx4740 Sep 2013
If the caregiver is "legal", that is, reporting her /his income, then, yes, you can deduct the part of the services that IS caregiving. In other words, cooking and grocery shopping, no. Showering you, or taking you to a doctor's appointment, yes. If you are a danger to yourself and need constant supervision, then the entire time might be covered.

If you want to deduct it, you need to report the income and pay the withholding and give a W2 for the caregiver. (Or you can do a 1099 Misc if the caregiver doesn't object.)

You should probably consult a tax expert recommended by an elder law lawyer, so that they are familiar with the exact rules in this area. It would be worth a one-time fee to get all the answers.

Google taxes and home health care for more information. Good luck! I wish you the best. Come back with any questions. Come back when you need someone to listen!


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