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sambha1720 Asked September 2013

Use of disposable catheters, any suggestions?

My father is 66 years old and is immobile due to spinal problems.
My mother is having a hard time finding correct disposable catheters, they come off very easily during night plus he tosses on bed too much. He flat out refuses to use diaper not out of embarrassment but just being not used to and its inconvenient. They live in India and I was wondering if I can shop for better working catheters here. If so, can anyone please recommend proven brand, where to buy them and how to pick one etc…
Thank you.

geedeeooo Dec 2013
As mentioned above, if dad refuses disposable underwear the washable underpads would work instead of catheter. We use them for my mom on bed, chair and wheelchair. We got them on eBay, a dozen for about $60. There are also disposable underpads that we use to supplement the washable ones. The washable underpads are also strong enough to be used to reposition or transfer the loved one. We change my mom every two hours. If your dad is able to let someone know he has peed he could be changed more often. A hospital gown at night allows changing of the underpad without too much disturbing of the loved one. The gown can easily be changed as well if it gets wet. During the day he could wear the pants made for paraplegics where they just pull up and the person isn't sitting on them. Someone on here talked about them and you can google those clothes. Your dad's skin would need to be protected with cleansers and creams but it seems better than a catheter for the rest of your life. Maybe he could be asked to try the disposable underwear when/if he goes out in public. If so, maybe he would gradually use them more. It is great that you are doing all you can to support your parents caregiver. It is so hard to do it alone and I admire you for doing all you can even though you are so far away. Most caregivers would give anything to have someone to help like you are.

ferris1 Sep 2013
I do apologize and since I have been out of practice for some time now, I don't know the latest.


Veronica91 Sep 2013
Ferris I think you misunderstood the original post. I believe she was looking for the condom style catheter. If she wanted an indwelling a Foley could be put in and only need to be changed every six weeks. A lay person unless specifically trained should not be attempting to insert an indwelling catheter - too much risk of infection.

ferris1 Sep 2013
I don't know the brand names, but what she is trying to accomplish is getting the catheter inside the urethra (the tube inside a person that runs from the kidneys to the outside opening) which is work in of itself. It also makes a difference if your father has been circumcized or not. Having asked my husband (since I have no penis), he said it can be tricking to insert at best. So my answer to you is improve the technique and it won't matter what brand you use. If he is immobile, he cannot be moving around at night. He must be pulling it out himself. I don't know what to do about that except to try and talk with him so your mother doesn't have to clean up bed sheets when he has an accident. You can also get large "chux" we call them in nursing. One side is soft, the other side plastic so urine doesn't seep through to the sheets. You can buy them most Walgreens with a home health center inside the store or order online. Good luck.

wordy2shoes Sep 2013
Do not know much about catheters for adults in this situation but it does seem that "undies" (adult diapers) would be better for all concerned in the end. I use the company, HDIS, to order such supplies. Items arrive in unmarked box so delivery contents are confidential. Customer service is very helpful and can make recommendations or even search suppliers to help you find a product needed but not listed in the catalog.. The pull-up men's diapers have worked well for my father, who is incontinent and has dementia. There are super absorbent ones and booster pads, as well as bed liners, etc. Though we do have leaks at night because he's using the toilet less often, the bed pads usually prevent the sheets from getting wet. One customer service rep recommended the fastening diapers for better absorbency, but I found them difficult to put on and fit tightly. If he were bedridden, I'd go that route. The company sells catheters, but I don't know anything about them. Good luck!

CarolLynn Sep 2013
...convince dad that a fitted on diaper...

CarolLynn Sep 2013
Yes, any chronic cath use can lead to urinary, bladder or kidney infection, if course, and the dad is so young, the situation could very well go on an awfully long time. It does seem like the pull ups would be a better option although the tugging to get them on over the tushie hump could become a chore for someone bed bound.

We used the ladies depends pull ups for my mom. Even though the Target and Walmart brands were relatively less expensive, she didn't like them as they bulked up more between her legs and she felt it when she walked.

Since sambha's dad is immobile, maybe the less expensive brands of pull ups could do the job. I wonder if Walmart or Target brands are available internationally. Maybe they can be purchased directly in India.

If all else fails, mom is going to have to convince dad that a send his on diaper maybe the only way to deal with urinary hygiene in a healthy way.

Veronica91 Sep 2013
Carol, I think the best option would be an indwelling foley but at his age he may have an enlarged prostate which may make it difficult and painful to insert, or he may already have tried that and got infections and/or bladder spasms or simply refuses it. I think Samba is looking for something her dad can use all night or all the time. If he is allergic to latex it should not be used but somehow to me they look nicer. I know they are all sterile but it's just me they seem cleaner. A disposable single use would need to be used several times a night which is not practical and I am assuming he is totally incontinent rather than having retention. My vote goes for the pull ups they are so easy to use. I never could get the velcro right on the others, the aides got them on so neatly then I come along in the middle of the night and make a total pigs breakfast of it.
this man is only 66 so barring other health problems could live easily another ten years so avoiding an indwelling catheter would reduce his risk of infection.

CarolLynn Sep 2013
Yes, V, texas or condom catheter. Although I can be gotten latex free, which is probably preferable, as I review sambha's post that her father is immobile due to a spinal conditions, the condom cath is probably not appropriate for long term use. She should probably look for a non-latex, polished edge disposable, don't you think? The pull ups would be ideal as they are virtually indistinguishable from underpants, but as you say, if they're not already available in India, the shipping would be prohibitive.

sambha - do you know any American military located near your dad in India where you might be able to ship to an APO or FPO? Shipping that way it's about the same as shipping within the US and there would be no customs involved either.

Veronica91 Sep 2013
There are several sites on the internet that sell catheters but usually require a doctors prescription. I assume Carol is referring to the Texas catheter, which is made from a soft latex and rolls up over the penis like a condom but has a connection on the closed end that is connected to a drainage bag. They are made with optional adhesive strips which helps them stay in place better but still no guarantee. Would your father wear the underwear style of diaper? They are pull ups and come in a discrete grey and look very like men's regular underwear. For heavy or overnight use it is also possible to insert a Guards pad for extra protection. Guards are like heavy menstrual pads that adhere to the inside of a diaper or regular underwear.
I don't know if the Depends are easily available in India but they would be prohibitively expensive to ship. I would contact one of the suppliers here and explain your problem and see if they export to India.
The Texas catheter does need to be the correct size. Texas catheters are very light weight so not too expensive to ship. Start with a search for urinary catheters. If I find anything else I will post again

CarolLynn Sep 2013
Google "disposable self adhering external male catheters" to see if anything comes up that you would be able to order from.


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