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duke46 Asked September 2013

Dark spot in my vision. Anyone else experience this?

In darkness I have a dark spot in center of vision. Shows up very little in light. Everything is very dark when trying to drive at night. Almost blind! Trouble started about a year ago. Had all kinds of eye tests. Found nothing wrong. What next?
If I close either eye it's still there. Anyone have this problem?

jacobsonbob Jan 2017
One must keep in mind that ER personnel don't always know what to do; in my case this happened while I was living in a small city in NC. I developed a retinal detachment during a weekend, and I went to the emergency room and described the symptom, already being quite certain that was what had happened. The physician who examined me essentially went "duh, let's take your temperature and BP" and then finally "we ordered an appointment with an ophthalmologist at the eye clinic on Monday". I had to pay over $300 out of pocket for essentially nothing. (I was already a patient of that eye clinic.) About the only thing I could do was to laugh at the fact that the ER physician's last name suggested he would be more experienced at treating broken legs! The eye clinic was only partially successful in saving the vision, which was gradually lost anyway.

I have not seen anyone suggest a Retina Specialist. About ten years ago as I was having my coffee and reading the morning paper parts of the news print seemed to be missing. I grumbled about the poor printing of the newspaper - however as the day went on I discovered it to be in other things I read. By this time I was in a panic! I met my eye doctor at the door when he arrived that morning. He told me there was nothing that could be done and that I had a stroke in my eye. I was almost hysterical and immediately made an appointment with the best Retina Doctor in my area (perhaps in a wider area and very experienced). He tested me by putting dye in my veins and taking pictures of the inside of my eye. Then he explained to me that I had a stroke in my eye from a clogged vein and the blood spilled out on my retina (which is the film in the camera - so to speak). Because the clog was between two veins (?) lying on top of one another the surgery for that would be very difficult and perhaps not successful. He monitored my retina often hoping for the clot to release blood to pass. No such luck - then he used laser treatments to stop the flow. He monitors me yearly and has put off using the laser again because that means you will never regain sight in that area ever. He is prudent and wise and hoping the body will repair itself before he takes drastic measures. I had never heard of this before and I wanted to offer it as a possibility. I live in Ohio and my Retina Specialist is Dr. Singerman - of Retina Specialists. So I offer that information to have the problem looked at by a great Retina Specialist that I go to.
Not being able to see is as frightening as not being able to breathe.


wvanfleet Dec 2016
Concerning the above, my situation is a little more complicated still. In 1980 I developed CIPD (a mild, chronic Guillain-Barre-like syndrome) that progressed gradually over a number of years, but then gradually went away, all while on tetracycline for seborrheic dermatitis. I had the impression the tetracycline might be ameliorating the problem. January 2015, tetracycline became unavailable, and I crossed my fingers. Indeed, the syndrome gradually returned. When my dermatologist put me on doxycycline to treat my now recurring seborrheic dermatitis, I thought maybe it would save me from my CIDP, so I got my neurologist to give me a larger dose (50mg qid), and indeed it is working, Part of my CIDP appears to include vestibular neuritis and I think optic neuritis, the latter causing things to be generally darker. This has been getting better, but I have wondered whether the spot we are talking about is part of the optic neuritis. However, the spot is so well-defined that I think it is the epiretinal membrane that I am seeing and is preventing dim light from getting through. It's all very complicated. But if I am right, removal of the membrane would eliminate the spot and the problem of difficulty seeing in the center of the field of vision in real dim light.

wvanfleet Dec 2016
I have EXACTLY the same symptom. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. It is not a floater. It is only seen in dim light. Rapid blinking of the eye in dim light while looking at a white wall makes it clearly seen. It tends to be tear-shaped, with the narrowing part going to the side. It is the same phenomenon, but pointing in the opposite direction, in each eye. When light is very dim, it doesn't get through this spot. At night, when the room is dark and very dim light is coming through the window, if I look to the side of the window I see the window, but if I look directly at the window, I don't see the window. (There is not enough light coming through the window to get through the spot.) I have mild, stable, dry AMD and also epiretinal membrane causing macular pucker. My current thinking is that I am seeing the epiretinal membrane, which is translucent, but does stop a little light from getting through. I have an appointment with my retina specialist to explore this symptom. And maybe it is already a well-known phenomenon, but I have not found that yet.

vstefans Sep 2016
The dark curtain thing is classic for a TIA. Or maybe there is just something wrong with the right eye. In either event, do not hesitate to get it looked at ASAP. If it had not been going on a few weeks I would even say ER - and I would use the ER if yu cannot get an appointment in the AM!

rosebudx10 Sep 2016
I came across your post today looking for the exact same answer. It is only noticeable at night in my right eye. I can look outside at a full moon with both eyes and it seems ok but as soon as I cover my left eye, there is a shadow. It's as if someone threw up a dark curtain. I noticed this a few weeks ago and not it concerns me....

freqflyer Aug 2016
If anyone uses an eye cleaner to take off eye makeup, you might want to change brands. Could be some of the cleaner or oil is getting into the eye and not clearing off. If it goes away by rubbing the eye, then one needs to use less of the product or a different product.

I have issues with my eyes getting dry at night.... eye drops really help :)

AZnana Aug 2016
The problem for me began last week. At night, if I wake up to go to the bathroom, I have black large forms that look like cloud formations that move to different shapes. Is that the same as the other types of floaters?

Jinx4740 Jun 2016
This is easy for me to say here in Boston, but consider going to a specialty hospital for your eye care. I guess I would trust local people for simple cataracts, but I've had detachments in both eyes, and have "long eyeballs," so I make sure that my eye care is done by experts.

vstefans Jun 2016
Have y'all been to your doctors yet? TIAs, retinal detachments and glaucoma being possible, and preventable consequences treatable, make sure to go ASAP! Possible TIA would warrant ER for sure...about the only thing I would NOT go in for would be if I knew it was just part of a migraine aura because it was just like a bunch I'd already had, and not a hair different, or just my blepharitis acting up, Glare form a cataract would be less emergent but needs attention too. Hope you all turn out to be OK and don't miss the chance to treat anything bad or semi-bad!!

GivingItMyAll Jun 2016
I would see an ophthalmologist (MD) for a good eye exam. It could be macular degeneration or maybe nothing. But with your vision, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

Kathy64 Jun 2016
I was driving the other day on the interstate and all of a sudden the cars in front of me were blurry and had lines going through them. I closed my left eye hoping
G it would compensate for the problem but it didn't help, then I got a black circle that covered my whole eye and I couldn't see out of my right eye. It lasted about 45 minutes enough time to pull off the road and change drivers. This happened twice within 4 days. B/c my left eye is blurry as well dr thinks it may have been a TIA. I have had this spot happen before it comes & goes. I am afraid to drive since I font know if or when it will happen again.any ideas?

vicky64 May 2016
I agree with pamstegma!! There is something wrong. A Field Vision Test with an eye Dr. that knows what he is looking for is the way to go!!

pamstegma May 2016
Hankster, get a Field-of-Vision test done by an MD Opthamologist. Do not accept the nothing diagnosis. Find another eye doctor, this one is not doing the right test.

Hankster May 2016
I have this condition.When I wake up at night in bed I can not see what I look at but I can see to the side of the object.If I look at the window,it is not there.If I look to the side of the window,I can see out the window with my peripheral vision.I had multifocal lens put in when I had cataract surgery.I have had an exam.Nothing.

vicky64 Jan 2016
3 years ago I had trouble seeing out of the left lower part of my left eye. As I would read I would have to physically move my head from side to side to read the words.(really great book, too). My eye Dr. did a Field Vision Test to determine just where the problem was. He then referred me to my reg. MD and I went through an MRI. They found a tumor on my pituitary gland that had grown large enough to press on the optic nerves. This was taken care of with surgery and I am fine now. The OP has probably had this test done, but if not it would be a good idea. The Field Vision Test is done in the Drs.' office, No pain or prodding!! Our sight is so precious! May God be with each of you with problems concerning sight!! Let us know what you learn!

pamstegma Jan 2016
buzz321, you need to see an MD asap. It sounds like a retina tear, which can be repaired and should be repaired before it gets worse.

AngieJoy Jan 2016
I left out the word "do" at the end of my post. "and ask what you should DO." (And I used to be an editor!)

AngieJoy Jan 2016
321buzz, These are symptoms of a serious vision problem. It could become much worse if you don't have it treated. Do you have an eye doctor? If so, please let her or him know what's going on and ask to be seen on an emergency basis. If you don't have an eye doctor, call your primary care doctor and ask what you should.

321buzz Jan 2016
the cloudy area in my line of sight is a dark purple color

321buzz Jan 2016
gray cloudy area in my right eye line of vision

321buzz Jan 2016
when driving (especially at night) looking straight forward, I have a dark area on the left side of my right eye vision. Street signs and speed limit signd=s disapear from sight.

pamstegma May 2015
Vision, go see a retina specialist and determine if it can be repaired.

Vision May 2015
By the way, I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure.

Vision May 2015
Having experience with dark spots in the eyes during dark hours, I remember, that prior to it I was using book light by my magnifying mirror to make sure I see my face well. The ray went uncomfortably right into my eyes. It could be that this book light, which is quite bright when placed close to the eyes, burned a bit my retina.

Vision May 2015
I had once dark spot, uneven, in my left eye during dark hours, to the side of my vision, about 1/2 inch in size. Lasted abut 20 min. before sleep, disappeared in a morning. Last night I had such uneven raggedy spots located in one area of right eye, not in a center, off center, say, always 15 degrees away from where I look, North East of my eye. This spot is barely noticable in a dark, but if passing cars make curtains lit, I can definitely see this stain on a side of my vision. In a morning it's gone.

Biker2012 Nov 2014
I am having this problem with black small dots in my vision. It seems to get worse at night or I am just more aware of them. My eye hurts as well. I only have. It in one eye ( thank goodness ) after reading these comments I feel better in knowing other people have had this problem. I will be going to the eye dr and see what I can find out.

pamstegma Feb 2014
A good eye exam takes more than an optometrist, it take an ophthalmologist who can get a good look at the retina, the back wall of the eye, to check for damage. If there has been untreated glaucoma for a long time, the retina starts to pucker, then rip. Get a complete eye exam from an MD.

1lovingcare Feb 2014
While on the first day of a new job, I experienced a jagged split in my right eye. I have a prosthetic left eye from a injury as a child. I had it happen again a couple of years later. The only thing I attributed it to was stress. I told my eye dr. but he didn't seem concerned. Should he have been? I see pretty good, just need distance glasses.

Bermuda Dec 2013
A visual symptom that you see with either eye with the other eye closed is often caused by something going on the brain's vision center rather than anything physical in either eye. I'd say definitely get a second opinion from a good ophthalmologist.

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