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Marialake Asked September 2013

How do I remove a post? Somehow it went thru facebook?

I didn't mean to post thru faebook?!!

pamstegma Apr 2014
If your post popped up on Facebook, change your facebook settings.

bookluvr Apr 2014
Nope, it's not programmed into this site.


phoenix03 Apr 2014
I would like to delete or edit my posts. There should be a way to do that.

bookluvr Sep 2013
I once posted a comment in anger in response to someone's "attack" on my post. It was waaaay to personal and I knew that if I left it on the thread, posters would choose side and cause more ruckus. I copied the link above and then sent them an email with the link and which post to delete. I mentioned why I wanted it deleted. They were very nice to delete it. Of course by deleting it, anyone reading it would think that I was the instigator and the poor poster who attacked me was the victim. But, I had to choose the integrity of the thread and not my pride. After AC deleted my post, I no longer post on that thread - due to bad memories of it.

FYI, I'd also set up a separate email account when you join these sites. Whether it's FB or AC. I keep separate emails just for family, for orders and work, and for online sites like these.

blannie Sep 2013
I agree with ACCM - we should be able to edit our posts (or delete them) if we choose. Maybe not if we ask a question and it has answers (i.e. a thread is created), but if we're just replying to a question, we should be able to edit our response or delete it.

gladimhere Sep 2013
What is the reason that we cannot delete or edit our own posts?

AgingCareCM Sep 2013
Hello Marialake,

What you saw when you went to post in the forum was a pop up after you hit submit asking you to log in. You have to be logged in to post or comment in the forum. There is a choice to log in with Facebook log in or you can use your username and password. If you pushed the Facebook log in option all that did was log you into with your Facebook log in, it did not post your comment on Facebook.

Thank you all for your quick response to Marialake. Your participation is what this forum is all about.

Warm regards,
Melissa R.
The Team

pamstegma Sep 2013
Go to your page on FB. Click activity log. Find the comment and either delete it there or make it private.

Bermuda Sep 2013
Much sympathies - here's an idea on how to get the moderators attention, someone could "report" your post - I'll go ahead an do that now for your post just above mine so maybe they'll contact you and you can tell them what post you want to delete. Good luck!

Marialake Sep 2013
to tell you the truth, when I went to post the comment a quick prompt said, send with facebook and as I hit the key........I thought oh no.........I want to delete immediately BUT there is no possible way to delete!!! I am hoping that the moderator will please delete my comment. Please moderator. I don't know how else to contact even the moderator?!

anonymous182580 Sep 2013
There are definitely some issues with this site for sure. Our comments and posts should NEVER be allowed to go through to Fb for one, and the inability to delete our comments is unacceptable in my opinion. I have noticed the moderator has the ability to delete certain things (links and phone numbers) that people have posted, so I feel that we should be able to delete comments that we have said. I am able to from my wall or if I post a comment on another person's wall but yet we can't delete our comments from a post.

BoniChak Sep 2013
OMG, if mine ever went to FB my family would implode! This is our SAFE place!

anonymous182580 Sep 2013
I was afraid of something like this happening to me so I used a second email address for this forum and this email address is not connected to my Fb account.
MariaLake, how did you find out it went through to Fb, did you see it yourself or did somebody on Fb tell you?

assandache7 Sep 2013
Aaarragghh! That's horrible, I would freak out if my posts ended up on my fb page...

gladimhere Sep 2013
You should be able to delete it through facebook. That is frightening, if many of my posts went to facebook it would be a family nightmare. One major problem with this site, is the inability to delete comments I make.

pamstegma Sep 2013
Edit your Profile. Click on your picture and change your privacy settings here.


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