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chandra Asked September 2013

Are there any support groups for caregivers?

I have been my husband caregiver for the past five years with no relief in sight, his condition is progressively getting worse. I do not want to burden my kids and family with my concern, sadness, anger and hopelessness.
I am sure there are other spouses out there that feel the same way.

gladimhere Oct 2013
Many assisted living facilities, senior centers, churches, etc have support meetings for caregivers. The day program that my mom attends also has one. Most of the ones I have found meet only once a month, so I go to more than one group.

Carlen Oct 2013
You can also start one! A group of us were talking at church, low and behold there was a need so we started a group about 3 weeks ago and it is going strong. We are going to open to the general public. If you cannot find one talk to a social worker at a local hospital or a local priest or counselor who would be willing to moderate.


josiep Sep 2013
God bless you for all you do. I love it on this forum actually....i cant get it out of my system with minimal judgement :)

assandache7 Sep 2013
Sure there is support! Alzheimer's Assoc. has info about local support groups. In my area the county elder services also have meetings... Check ALZ website and local elder services... Good luck and take some time for yourself..


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