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Stressed52 Asked October 2013

How can we get Mom to go to sleep at night? She wanders the house constantly.

While hospitalized they tried numerous medications to calm her down in the evening and put her to sleep and nothing worked. They gave her Ativan, Halodol, Morphine and other medications, but she over road them and they actually made her more hyper to the point of having to use restraints that she ripped off as well. My sister and I are not getting sleep at night because we cannot get her to sleep and she is in my bedroom 15 times a night "checking on the dog!"

HELP! We are losing our minds!

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Oct 2013
This seems to be an extreme case of Sundowning. The restlessness and need to "do something" generally starts toward the end of the day and can last all night. Does your mom nap during the day? Is there any way to keep her awake and do things to get her more tired before nightfall. Obviously you've tried medical intervention, so I'm not sure what else to tell you. Possibly someone else on the forum will have suggestions.
Hang in. This is tough,


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