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anonymous182580 Asked October 2013

I need some opinions regarding the flu shot?

I am really in a quandary as to whether or not I should force my mum to get the flu shot and whether I should follow my drs. advice and get one myself? My mum does have respiratory issues, however she never leaves the house except to go to drs. appointments and she rarely has anyone come to visit, so she is not around people to be exposed to the flu. Her doc said she should come in at the end of October to be vaccinated. I think she should have the pneumovax shot for pneumonia but I am not convinced she should have the flu shot. I would like opinions on this please. Also.. my own dr. said she wants me to have the flu shot because I was diagnosed with asthma this Spring, it is controlled asthma and I am not around a lot of people either, I go out for lunch occasionally. I haven't had the flu in 15 years. I wash my hands frequently. Do you think it is necessary for me to be vaccinated as well?

chrissykall23 Oct 2013
my mom has always gotten the flu shot and I started getting 10 years ago since doctors said since im caring for my mom i need to be cautious. I even had to get a hepatitis b shot for work since i work for a waste company. I would recommend the shot because it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious. I normally got one at work when I worked at FEDEX but i was lucky this year walgreens had a free voucher.

bookluvr Oct 2013
I never had the flu shot my whole life - that I can remember as an adult. I finally gave in last December. I did get sick a few days after the shot. Then through out the months, every time I got near someone who was sick - I got sick Very Fast!

Usually, the flu will go around and I don't get sick. If I feel like I'm coming down with
it, I drink lots of OJ and Dayquil for when I'm at work. But I rarely get the flu. If I do get the flu, then I'm sick for about a week.

This year, I noticed I get sick so fast! And I mean like if I'm sniffling when I wake up in the morning, by night time, I have runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing. By the next morning, I'm so sick with the Whole flu symptoms including coughing, body aches, etc.... This will last about 3 days, then I get better.

I have decided that I will not take the flu shot again. For me, I think it messed up my body's immune system. My father gets the flu shot every year. He has never gotten sick in a long long time. So for him, the flu shot actually works.


anonymous182580 Oct 2013
I think you both have convinced me that both my mum and I should get vaccinated for the flu.. thanks for your input!

sharynmarie Oct 2013
I work in a grocery store and am exposed to everything. Pneuomonis is no picnic either. I was out of work for week with it and my Dr. Was one day away from admitting me to the hospital. Luckily the antibiotics he gave me broke the fever in less than 24 hours so I didn't have to be hositalized. That wad after 5days of a 103 degree fever.

JessieBelle Oct 2013
Yes, I think flu shots are a good idea for elderly people and anyone else. Few people have trouble with possible negative side effects. All it takes to get the flu is to open a door that was previously opened by someone with the flu. A doctor's office is one of the best places to pick up the flu. Schools, churches, and grocery stores are other places that one can pick up a virus. I had the flu one time and it was terrible. I'll never go without having a flu shot again. I know now why people can die from it.

sharynmarie Oct 2013
Personally, I have no issues with getting either the flu shot or pneumonia shot. I do get a flu shot every year...I have never gotten sick from it which people say they have. I get the shot because I am prone to sinus and bronchontictis infections. I get the pneumonia shot every 5 years since I had pneumonia in 2004. Of course having the shots does not guarantee that I wont get the flu but it does help in reducing the severity of it. Some people think that by getting flu shot, they will get the flu...the shot I get is not a live virus so as long as I am not running a fever, the dr. will give it regardless of whether I feel well or not.

It is a personal choice,,,


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