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BBennett Asked November 2013

I would like to have someone go to a nursing home help my sister address her Christmas cards. Where can I look?

Stephanie is 58 yrs. old & has MS, only use of her right hand, has been in nursing homes for about 18 yrs. & taken from Casper, WY to Cheyenne, WY almost one yr. ago. She has no family or friends in Cheyenne & I live, her older sister, 170 Miles from her. I am not able to go to Cheyenne to help with some of her needs. She already has the cards but can't write very good & would need someone to do the addressing for her.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Nov 2013
I can relate to this. I used to do this for my mother. It was very important to her that she send the card but she couldn't do the addressing. As Madeaa mentioned, ask about volunteers. Many nursing homes have an auxiliary of volunteers and I would think this is a task someone from the group could take on. You may even want to suggest to the someone at the home that this would be a nice project for many residents.

Churches often send volunteers to visit, so if your sister belongs to a church, contact someone there and ask if there is a volunteer who could help. If there is a college in the community where she lives, there may be volunteers or interns in some programs who could do this kind of work.

I'd discuss this need with the social worker. Of the many things people in nursing homes could use assistance for, this is pretty easy "duty." Good luck with this. We'd love to hear if you find help.

Madeaa Nov 2013
Contact a volunteer organization for the elderly in her area. Contact a school in the area for a drive to help elders in nursing homes. And as a last resort, hire someone to go in and do it for her.



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