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inthedark2013 Asked November 2013

What rights do adult children have concerning nursing home care for a parent?

Stepfather put mother in nursing home and children were not informed, now he has moved her again with not contacting us. What informaiton can the first nursing home give us? Right now they are claiming we aren't on the "list" and HIPAA laws, etc.

jeannegibbs Nov 2013
I think I would call the state agency on aging, explain the situation, and ask for advice.

inthedark2013 Nov 2013
I don't know. I don't feel she was cognitive enough when she was admitted. Stepfather made all decisions & paperwork. He has alienated the family and now has moved her and we don't know where she is. Trying to figure out what we can do to find her.


jeannegibbs Nov 2013
Was there a lot of conflict with your stepfather before mom's health got bad? Do you have any idea why he would not be open with you about where she is and how she is doing? Were you in touch with Mom often before this?

BobBober1guru Nov 2013
Does mom have a durable Power of Attorney in place? If so, you should read it. Most have a secondary POA. Potentially it may read dad as the POA otherwise (name) if he is not willing or able. If you think he may not be thinking properly regarding mom"s care; then the secondary should step in. Usually one of her adult children is named as secondary. Hope this is helpful, Bob.

inthedark2013 Nov 2013
Dementia/Althzeimers - do not know where she has been placed

jeannegibbs Nov 2013
What is Mother's impairment? Can she speak to you on the phone? Can she add you to "the list"? Mother is the one who can authorize information to be shared. So my first question is whether she has dementia or other cognitive impairment that would prevent her from doing that.


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