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kjhinshaw Asked November 2013

Has anyone dealt with vaginal bleeding with someone who had a full hysterectomy years and years ago?

Has anyone dealt with vaginal bleeding with someone who had a full hystererctomy years and years ago? My 90 year old mom with dementia has had some light vaginal bleeding off and on for the past few months. A few nights ago she had some heavier bleeding with blood clots and was sent to the ER by the CNA at the ALF where she lives. She didn't want to go to the hospital and she was very confused and upset by the whole incident. The ER doctor said the only way to find out what's causing it of course is to do further testing, which at that point my mom was not up for. We didn't want to put someone in her state of mind through anything like that. She's on Hospice care and we would not do any type of treatment at this point anyway. We are just letting nature take its course. I'm just curious if anyone has any experience with this. Thank you.

Sami59girl Jan 2018
Had a hysterectomy in1992 (total) here lately when I wipe myself there’s blood on the tissue, not a lot ,it’s not heavy size of a quarter , is this anything to worry about, any signs of blood scares me ,I’m 69 yrs old. Thank you for all your help,

Barbie13 Dec 2017
I am 74 have had hysterectomy and ovaries out at mid forties, but have just started having blood on toilet paper when I wipe myself, it has happened the last couple of days. Not every time.


anonymous721816 Sep 2017
Hello 30yearsafter. I too have had a hysterectomy 23 years ago and started bleeding this year. It started May 2017 and my gynecologist found a polyp at the opening of the vagina. She took a biopsy and it was benign and the bleeding stopped. Four months later I started bleeding again and this time it's much heavier with blood clots. The craziest thing is it doesn't come out of me, only when I wipe the clots and blood are on the toilet paper. I have an appointment this Thursday with my Gynecologist and hoping it's the same thing.

grandy May 2016
I had a total hysterectomy 37yrs ago, I am 65yoa and have gone thru menopause years ago also. I have started spotting blood. I am single and haven't had sex in years either. Does anyone have a clue?

Countrymouse Jan 2018
Sami, look at this way - you'll feel a heck of a lot better once you know where it's coming from; and if it's something very common and easy to treat like a painless lower u.t.i. then why waste any more time being scared for nothing? Pop along to your GP and get checked out is much the easiest and quickest way to go.

Buttercup313 Sep 2017
I'm 38, had a complete hysterectomy 7 years ago and right now I'm having problems passing right red blood and clots. I was put to sleep today for Dr's to look inside my bladder cause I have interstitial cystitis but they said the bleeding isn't coming from there. The 9th I was hospitalized for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and was bleeding then also and they did a vaginal exam and said there was no blood nor old blood but did a CT scan of my abdomen and found a mass on my adrenal gland. I'm confused and feel lost now not knowing how to find out where I'm losing blood from. Anyone have any suggestions?

Veronica91 Dec 2017
This is actually pretty common with post menopausal women, hysterectomy or not.
A visit to the PCG or OBGYN is in order and proceed from there depending on patient age and general condition. This is very frightening to the woman involved but may not be of concern. Of course severe blleeding needs immediate emergency evaluation

John113 Dec 2017
A visit to the PCG or OBGYN is in order and proceed from there depending on patient age and general condition. This is very frightening to the woman involved but may not be of concern. Of course severe blleeding needs immediate emergency evaluation

dianne0801 Aug 2015
I had a hysterectomy in 06 and just recently I've started to bleed nothing saturated my underware but she I wipe its there I haven't had sex in over two years. The blood is heavy and plentiful when I wipe some cramping and suggestions as to what's going on

Countrymouse Sep 2017
I'm very sorry to read your post, Buttercup. This must be frightening for you. Are you waiting for the results of follow-up tests? Do you have anyone to talk things through with?

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