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LadeeC Asked December 2013

Gift Cards from AgingCare?

I just received an email, supposedly from AgingCare for a $10 gift certificate at


Personally .. If it's for real, it's a kind gesture, but I'd rather the admins used those kinds of funds for an upgrade to the posting system, or something.

anonymous158299 Dec 2013
mine is still lying in an email i s'pose. still boycotting amazon and walmart tho.
aint going to buy no slave diamonds from liberia either. my car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and thats the way i likes it. ( grandpa simpson)

Veronica91 Dec 2013
Way to go Jeannie. I already spent mine!


jeannegibbs Dec 2013
Hey Captain, if it will make you feel better, I would be willing to take that gift card off your hands.

pamstegma Dec 2013
Captain is there a way we can donate these cards to crusty old vets like yourself who are living in a VA hospital?

BoniChak Dec 2013
Cptn, if you weren't difficult, we wouldn't recognize you! We love you BECAUSE you're crotchety, not in spite of it. Give it to feels good. If you ever come here all smiles and giggle, we will assume you finally got laid! Love ya Bob!

assandache7 Dec 2013
I got mine too! It was very thoughtful..

ladee1 Dec 2013
I got mine too!! And thanked them.... Cap'n, you can donate yours to Amazon and they will put it to good use....
And I keep people upset also with my "Cap'n attitude"..... just don't have use for all the 'filters ' at this point in my life....I am very clear that I am going to be one of those bitches someone gets stuck with taking care of one day.....

Madeaa Dec 2013
Cap'n you being difficult, never, perish the thought, hey they sent you one didn't they, that sounds like they value your input. You could buy a nice folding chair for yourself for when you are sitting under the bridge waiting for someone to fall in your lap, and the bright spot is that you know they aren't going to ask you to fix their carburetor LOL.

Veronica91 Dec 2013
I thought it was the nicest thing that had happened in a long time.
Capt I hope they don't throw you off. I enjoy your colorful comments. Maybe your lack of "filters" is due to the start of "You know what"????????????????
Now where did I put my glasses?

Labs4me Dec 2013
I also recieved a gift card from this site. Their generousity will be used towards the purchase of a toy for the Toys for Tots. Thank you AgingCare.

StandingAlone Dec 2013
I didn't get one. Ah well, that's ok. :) I'm feeling a bit scroogy this year anyway. lol

bookluvr Dec 2013
They did this also last year with the Amazon gift certificates. From what I understand, the previous year, they sent coffee mugs(?). And those who had PO Boxes did not receive the mugs. So, the following year, instead of mugs, they sent Amazon gift cards. Which I loved it then, and love it now. I, too, thanked them. I can go and squeeze in as much 0.99 cents ebooks as I can! For the past few weeks, I've been searching for FREE ebooks - which are soooo limited.

anonymous158299 Dec 2013
maybe im just being difficult. it happens every now and then.

JessieBelle Dec 2013
By limits I mean things like number of posts and time on site. I didn't want people who hadn't posted often to feel they had been forgotten.

JessieBelle Dec 2013
I thought it wonderful. I wouldn't have mentioned it, because there are probably limits that come in -- I don't know. I'm surprised to see anyone would react badly to a gift. I guess sometimes we can start believing we don't deserve it. I was touched and very happy, and already know how I am going to spend it.

gladimhere Dec 2013
I was absolutely thrilled and really provided a bright spot to my day! I sure as heck will not be buying any books about Alzheimer's, you should see my library!:-O or books about dysfunctional families. It has been a rough one with that today! :'(

anonymous158299 Dec 2013
i found it thoughtful and good spirited. indeed, thank you ac. i just aint going to buy anything from amazon . 2 unrelated events that neuter the intentions.

lsmiami Dec 2013
I was touched by it, what a kind holiday gesture.

BoniChak Dec 2013
I was thrilled and touched with mine. I sent a "thank you" email, letting them know how nice it was to be appreciated in a lifestyle that we don't get as much of that as we need. I got a lovely, personal response.
My Son's stepmother ( a wonderful lady) told me if you spend on amazons "smile" program they donate to your favorite charity. I am donating all of it to her favorite charity. I don't know about the rest of MADE MY DAY! Thanks AC!

anonymous158299 Dec 2013
i aint buying anything from amazon no how. they abuse their workers and dont pay a livable wage.
not being bitter, it was a kind gesture.
which brings me to a v-a visit a week ago where i was given a 10.00 gift card from walmart if id fill out a survey for indiana university. the first few pages were indeed about colorectal screening but the last 2 pages were 100 questions, all coming back to what i thought about homosexuality. when i pointed out the trick agenda to the survey girl she said she hadnt read the survey and didnt know what i was talking about. lying to me kinda pizzes me off so i told her it was no secret that iu pushes a homosexual agenda only i used a little more colorful terminology.. i dont have a problem with ones sexual preferance but i resent being constantly told what train of thought is acceptable and what isnt. im not at all happy with the totalitarian nightmare that the usa is becoming and im not spending walmarts card either. they make me sick and should be up on treason charges.

anonymous158299 Dec 2013
a kinder gesture would be to stop sending emails threatening to terminate my account. damn. what one person finds offensive may cause another to blow coffee out their nose.


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