My mother is currently in a nursing home, I moved here from Wi Sept 2010 to take care of her 24/7 for 2 years ,unable to use arms or legs , but still very sharp long term memory , short term is gone :( I am her MPOA with durable per visions ,financial ect. I am 54 and decided to go back to school Jan 2012 online while I was home with her and doing my 16 hour shifts. I sat in my mom's room on recliner and we interacted ,took her to church ect. My best friend... I said to my mother that there was no room for advancement for me in the valley. I brought her to Austin. She is now in nursing home. See her every other day and bring her to my apartment every other weekend so I spend about 12 days out of the month with her in my apartment :) she loves it. Her house has sat empty for one year and I only work enough to survive on . I have paying water bill, electric some one to mow the grass and gas money to drive 5 hours to go check on house. I cannot afford this any longer !!! My mom is on nursing home Medicaid.
Can I sell the house and roll that money into buying a home here in Austin in her name so I don't have to pay rent and give her a home to come home to with all her belongings in it ? I am the only child and no help from anyone.
I lost everything coming here to help her... and now can only move on and hope that at my age I can find a job when I graduate .
9 Answers
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because she has limited income and she won't when you sell her house, her assets will become liquid and she will fall into another category called private pay.
As her caregiver they could not force her to sell her home and
as long as she is returning to it (but she is returning to your home) you have certain rights, but buying a new home isn't as easy, especially if she has dementia, where is the house and where are you exactly?
Many factors, questions come this ,
Depends on how much money your Mother has? Will she need to sell the house down the road to pay for her nurcing care down the road? That's the question and that's what Medicaid & Medicare looks at. If your Mother exceeds her cost in a nurcing home? The nurcing home will take the house and sell it to pay for her care.
Your Mother should of placed the house in a trust for this not to happen. But, what it is , Is what it is. Since, your Mother is in a nurcing home and under Medicaid's & Medicare's eyes. I think it will be far to no chance you can sell her home without hearing from Medicaid & Medicare. You will need to talk to a attorney about this.
If your Mother is compatent she can sell you the house or place it in a trust. If you can get her into a attorney to do so. Few attorneys will come to her to do this. You need to ask around. The only thing you can do other then seeking a attorney is,
Move Mom to a nurcing home near her house. You live in her house simple as that better then renting. Or rent the house out so the renters can care for the up keep on the home. Finding a good renter is another story.
You need to call a attorney for this.