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Sujean Asked January 2014

Does anyone else have to put a pessary in and remove it from their mom?

Does anyone else have to put a pessary in and remove it from their mom?. I only remove every 2 months as it hurts to remove. My mom has a prolapsed bladder and this has helped alot, but I have to be responsible for the care of it. Once the pessary is in she doesn't feel it so all is good. Just wondering if anyone else deals with this situation.

pamstegma Jan 2014
WOW you are GOOD. I had a pessary, got it out, never got it back in.

Sujean Jan 2014
Pstiegman, The urologist trained me to do it.
She showed me how to do it and how to remove it. She wanted me to take it out and put it in. We go every 4 months to get a checkup. I am better at it then her doctor. Just wondering if anyone else does this for their mom.


pamstegma Jan 2014
The pessary should be checked by an MD, and inserted or removed only by the MD. You can do a lot of damage if you do it wrong. The doctor has the proper tool to do this.


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