Mom is 85 and obsesses about many occasions and situations. My sister and I try to avoid giving her too much information ahead of time because she will go on and on about what, when and where? Is there a forum on line to help us deal with this behavior. She also cuts up papers, plastic soda bottles and re-arranges my refrigerator when she visits. She lives in the garage apartment on my sister and brother-in-law's property but when my sister goes out of town overnight Mom stays with me.
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those OCD's are terrible.
Old people do not being shuffled around, why don't you stay by your mother when your sister goes out of town, it would be easier for both you and her.
My Dad [92] likes to cut out and save newspaper articles, and put them into notebooks depending on subject. I feel that keeps him busy and up-to-date with the world news.
In the past few years, my parents re-use table napkins over and over again, probably a throwback to the Great Depression. I find that gross but then again they are both in their 90's so apparently it isn't harmful.
keep every piece of mail that arrived to our residence. I have spent time off and on since last August cleaning out Mom's closets and drawers and destroying junk that has magically appeared everyplace! I have reorganized photos and letters that Mom will not see again. I am now reorganizing Christmas and other cards by family and friends categories, deciding which ones are worth keeping or ones that may be destroy to clear out some of the clutter from our condo. PV
My MIL had OCD before she became ill, but it became worse when the illness got worse.. My Mom on the other hand has never had OCD but not that her dementia is progressing she shows signs of OCD...
She's now in a nursing home and they do things though that would bother me as well. For example they put her shoes on the bed, or the toilet bowl brush on the sink. Yuck.
I think it has something to do with control and the lack of control that they now have in their lives.
I'm curious about what others will say.