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As my mother's Alzheimer's worsens, I'm beginning to realize I may have to put her into a nursing home one day. The research I've done gives me a base price for homes and assisted living in the $2000-$3000 per month price range, but that doesn't include everything. (I'm in South Georgia, USA) How do I find out what I need to do to figure out as the actual cost? I'm not getting much information during my research but a base price. I know they go by how healthy she is, and physically she's good, but that will change as she goes along. She has Medicare and a supplement for medical, but I know a lot of extras are out of pocket. Has anyone had any experience with this lately? She has gotten to the point that I can no longer do this alone and tomorrow I will be finding out about home care. I will keep her at home as long as she is aware enough of her surroundings and she is safe. BUT one day I may have to consider a home when it gets too far. Please don't judge me for considering a home, I understand how bad it can be. I'm just looking for information. Thanks.
2 Answers
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Visit memory care assisted living places as well as skilled nursing homes. When I was near the stage you are approaching, I visited 9 separate places. Narrowed it down and returned to the final selections. Trust me, you will know it when you see it. Ask around your town/friends/medical care providers for knowledge of places.
We were quoted monthly charges, scaled charges --extras for meds, bathing assistance, laundry, etc and the one we finally chose has a flat rate for ALZ patients as it is presumed they will need help with everything! This research all takes TIME so IMHO the earlier you start, the better chance you have of understanding what is right for your Mom. There are huge differences in food quality, the type of aides and their interest in the job, cleanliness, decor, activities, etc. Each place will give you their costs. Most ALs have a 'buy in ' charge. Add that to the notes you take. After a few visits, you will have the lingo down pat. Good luck.
First off, you need to carefully make sure what type of facility you are looking for. I don't know anything about prices for SNF's in Georgia, just here in Texas. The facility we moved my Dad to is priced at $130 per day, so if the month has 30 days they are paid $3900; if its 31 days they are paid $4030. This includes all of the nursing care, doctors visits, aides, meals, etc. It does not include adult diapers, but Dad is currently under hospice care so we haven't had to pay for diapers yet. The nursing home cost also does not include any medications Dad is on or may be prescribed (those not covered by hospice, such as antibiotics).
Nursing homes differ, I'm sure, as to what their base price includes. But they should ALL have information available that lists their prices, etc. If you have a question about something not listed, ASK! You don't want to be surprised later. If they don't provide the information, look elsewhere!
If you're looking at long term care in a nursing home, Medicare WON'T cover it! Medicaid will depending on finances. You should ask what type of payment methods are accepted. If you're only looking at an Alzheimer's unit, because you're Mom is physically healthy, the cost will probably be lower than a nursing facility. But just be sure to ask for a list of what is NOT covered in the base cost. If your Mom uses certain health items, meds, diapers, etc. make your own list and ask about the items! If you're looking at something like an assisted living facility, just about everything costs extra.