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QuechuaCare67 Asked January 2014

Are there creative ways to afford live-in care?

We are blessed with an amazing live-in caregiver and if I won the lotto I would pay her a million dollars! Reality is we can't afford to keep her at her current rate. We live in CT where caregiver salaries are competitive. I plan to have an honest conversation with her about some options but does anyone out there have suggestions about what other benefits we might be able to offer to see if she would stay? Currently she has excellent accommodations, we love her as a family and treat her as one of us in every way including her in outings, I offer to pay for gym and yoga classes, continuing education opportunities etc....any other suggestions? She is so excellent I have no doubt she could get another job within hours....but maybe there are other things that could be as important?

gladimhere Jan 2014
Health and disability insurance, dental?

brandywine1949 Jan 2014
Be sure to pay her a overly decent wage, give her paid time off, paid vacation pay, paid sick leave, free meals, free rent, probably other things.


gladimhere Jan 2014
And then there are family members that think you should give up everything, including your own home, to care for a parent they have not time for and don't want to lose inheritance.

If it were a family member QC, how would you feel about paying them? Just curious. I know some families are fair in paying the sibling providing care, but the big majority are not. What are caregiver rates in Connecticut?

LadeeC Jan 2014
@Josh .. yanno? I appreciate being considered a valued member of my client's medical team and a friend. I so do NOT want to be considered family .. but that's cuz my own is terribly dysfunctional and have no desire to adopt into another one. Most families, in my experience treat each other with more disdain than they do respect, and the FIRST thing I require (if I don't get it, I'm so outta there) is respect.

Just someone else's perspective.

LadeeC Jan 2014
I'm a live-in caregiver. You might want to follow the conversation, over here:

Caution: when being 'creative' be sure to follow the rules or risk audits.

joshturbeville Jan 2014
I think you're giving her everything she deserves. It's more than enough in a family caregiver that you treat her as part of the family. You don't have t do any extraordinary. Just thank her for being there, is Huge enough. :) She's so luck! :)

joshturbeville Jan 2014
I think you're giving her everything she deserves. It's more than enough in a family caregiver that you treat her as part of the family. You don't have t do any extraordinary. Just thank her for being there, is Huge enough. :) She's so luck! :)

Stressed52 Jan 2014
I would have the conversation with her and tell her how much you love and appreciate her and think of her as part of the family, tell her about the financial situation and just ask her...."Is there anything we can do to keep you employed with us?" She may have an answer for you and may love you all so much she wants to stay no matter what.

Jinx4740 Jan 2014
Cazinbon -

Maybe if someone works 10 or 20 hours a week that would work, but they often already have a home. Free rent would do them no good.

A live-in caregiver, who is on call 24/7, MUST also be paid, because he/she has little to no time for a private life.

It's hard, because the people who need care can't pay a lot, and the people who give care need to be paid. Wall Street bankers don't have these problems. They just need a deeded parking space for their BMW.

cazinbon Jan 2014
do caregivers accept free rent in exchange for their services?

pamstegma Jan 2014

pamzimmrrt Jan 2014
you sound like you are already doing a ton, I cannot think of anything else. BUT.. She may have some ideas when you talk to her. You may be surprised, and she may want to remain with you. I hope so, good luck!

QuechuaCare67 Jan 2014
Anyone out there?


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