I know this page is more geared towards elderly care but i couldn't find anything online that was geared toward my situation..... my fiance is schizophrenic and I am his sole caregiver....his family doesn't really help and mine can't..... we also have 2 special needs daughters and one on the way that has already been diagnosed as special needs...... I am so overwhelmed with all of this and there seems to be no where to turn..... dmh was useless dcf doesn't understand no one does...... I am only 28 and I feel like the world is on my shoulders......my fiance is currently in his 17th hospitalization to try and stabilize his meds and will be home in a few days..... I have to do almost everything for him he is like a 10 year old..... He has to be told to do daily living activities like washing or brushing his hair if not he goes days without doing them..... He cannot fill out forms or make phone calls for himself....... I just don't know what to do..... I have been looking for caregiver support groups and this is the best I found......any advise or suggestions greatly appreciated.....thanks for letting me vent
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