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coco125 Asked March 2014

Why me?

Does anyone feel this way?

Veronica91 Mar 2014
Why not? because you are there and this is your mission in life? because the other siblings got the h*** out of Dodge when they saw this one comming, because you have a deep love for this person, because you were trapped into it, because the elder saw it comming before you did. because you have a huge sense of duty, because you had no idea of what you were getting into, because your culture demanded it, because you did it for the money (shame on you, they gave it to someone else anyway) because you had never had children and changed a dirty diaper. because you are a night owl and thought you could manage on a couple of hours sleep, because you always wanted to be a nurse and saw yourself as Florence Nightingale. I could go in but i won't because there are so many reasons and so many sacrifices. One night a priest said to me that he'd recognise me when he got to heaven because I would be wearing a halo. So I replied."What makes you think I will be going before you" Since comming to this site I don't believe there will be enough halo's to go round. Capt won't need one he's already got that helmet plus Mom found his other hat for him.

StandingAlone Mar 2014
I asked God that question once or thrice when I was a kid. The answer that came to me, every single time, was... Why Not You? Really? Great.

Success. Failure. No matter what comes at you, every single decision you ever make in this life, big or small, comes down to those two words for me. You get what you get in this world. Then it's up to you, and you alone, by every single decision that you make in this life for good or ill, whether you win or lose. That might sound silly, but that's how I see things. God and the devil, playing one giant board game and everything that's put in front of you is a move by one or the other. Sometimes God wins, hopefully most of the time, but sometimes the devil scores. In this world, to me anyway, it seems the devil tends to score a lot. It feels like a scary world right now. I know that's sounds out there but that's just how I envision all of life.

It is what it is and you make the best of it that you can.


Starrysky Mar 2014
To me the answer is genes. So then the question becomes why was I born to this particular set of parents who have the genetics for this to happen? Then it gets spiritual and ymmv.

jeannegibbs Mar 2014
Not very often. I figure that having a loved one with dementia is random, like a tornado or earth quake or tsunami. It happens to you; you deal with it. You didn't do anything to cause it or to deserve it. But it hit you anyway. Why is just not a relevant question for me.

anonymous158299 Mar 2014
you may have been chosen as a caregiver at a very young age. different kids have different meaning to parents. as badly as my mothers dementia death beat me up i still consider it a great honor to be entrusted with her very life. the two sisters couldnt direct her mood disorder as well as i could. sometimes id bust out in a song for her to redirect her thoughts.
" ill never smoke weed with willie again " . lol. she thought the song rather catchy..


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