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Maine127 Asked March 2014

Where to start with elderly Mother (85). Any advice?

To try and make a long story short mom (85) was a spunky women for her age still driving, shopping etc.etc. About a month ago she was involved in an auto accident where someone hit her broadside and ending up with a broken right wrist which required surgery. Fast forward to this past week she has been living with us since our home is all on one floor but when I came home she said she didn't feel well and couldn't even stand on her own without assistance. We immediately called the ambulance to take her to the ER and after running several tests, x-rays etc.etc. she was diagnosed with a severe UTI and possibly gout in both knees. She is currently in the hospital but not sure for how long and now I need to know how to proceed to get her the care she needs which I feel would be a skilled nursing facility or at least assisted living facility since there is no one home in our hoursehold for at least 10 hours during the day. ANy help or guidance would be sincerely appreciated as I am the only caregiver and at a total loss since less than a month ago she was driving herself ot the hairdresser!!

Chicago1954 Mar 2014
Yes, to rehab. She will improve much faster with that. Do not let her tell you no. To take her home with no one to care for her, would do her an injustice.

I would contact the other person's car insurance, since this is relating from the accident.

norestforweary Mar 2014
Not sure how long your mother was in hospital. Insurance may cover 20 days of rehab and secondary insurance more days. Tell them you have no one at home to care for her. This will give you some time to figure out what to do. You want her to be at her best physical strength. The driving issue is of concern as well. We did have my mother in law retested for driving as it was a liability issue had she continued to drive.
As far as UTI's cranberry juice 3 times a day helps to prevent them.... chances are she may get others. Especially if she is incontinent and her urinary tract becomes contaminated with stool.
You have a few options .... One is to find care for her in her home, another is to find care for her in your home while you are away(this is stressful) or to find an assisted living facility for her since she is so independent. The 3rd option seems best for her from what you describe. She is lucky to have you caring for her!


Eyerishlass Mar 2014
Yep, the social worker is the place to start. They pull all kinds of rabbits out of their hats. And do it while your mom is still in the hospital. If things get planned right the hospital might actually keep your mom until a bed opens up in a NH (if it's within a reasonable amount of time).

It was always my experience when caring for my dad that things could change *snaps fingers* like that. And they do. At any moment something can change drastically and we won't necessarily see it coming.

This is a stressful time for you. Remember that it will all get taken care of. That's what my dad used to tell me when I wigged out. It'll all get done.

assandache7 Mar 2014
Oh your poor Mother what a tragedy! Speak with the social worker at the hospital. If it's the same hospital she was in for the accident you probably already met them..
Let them know that she can not take care of herself and you aren't able to either.. Ask others friends, neighbors etc. about Assured Living/ NH in your area, do some research because if they discharge her you'll want to move quickly...


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