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Photoartc Asked March 2014

I am desperately trying to fight the care giver depression. Suggestions?

The depression from the sole caretaker of my husband with dementia is taking over even though I try to eat right, exercise when I can get the energy. Feeling kind of overwhelmed. I take Wellbutrin which definitely helps the depression but depletes my energy with no ambition. I am going back on it for the 3rd time because I seem to be tired even off of it. I hate antidepressants but what else can I do??? This is a question I know has no answers but I keep hoping.

vstefans Mar 2014
Artc, do you get *any* respite? Pills alone may not be the answer if there is no fun (i.e. nothing to enjoy) in your life and no prospects for any in the foreseeable future. If you can't ever get away or puruse any hobby or interest of yours, is there anything, even stupid old movies and popcorn nights, you and hubby can still enjoy together?

Nansacola Mar 2014
It took me 4 months to get my energy back after quitting Lexapro. It takes a long time to get back to normal.

One thing you can do is to spend at least one hour by yourself either reading, painting, knitting, or just watching TV. You have to have ME time.


pamstegma Mar 2014
Ask his doctor to order some help for you and to try a different medication. If you have no energy, it is just not working.


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