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agarcaraman Asked March 2014

In final stage of Alzheimer's she will not eat and vomits it back up. Is this part of the stage?

Mentioned it to Dr no other problems such as a virus or uti noticeable.she is always she is to tired to eat.

amberstone Apr 2015
My great nan has Alzheimer and is in her late 80 and has Alzheimer for a while, she is living with nan who looks after her. Now and then when in the car or at home she throws up without warning but the vomit is lumpy so the fiod hasnt even been in her stomach. Can someone tell why she does it

pamstegma Mar 2014
When is the last time she pooped?


cher062 Mar 2014
it sounds like she is entering the last stages of dying. its hard to take in but hospice evaluation should be done. if she qualifies for hospice care alot of care needed will be covered financially that usually isn't covered. talk to her dr and see where they think she is at. start thinking about just how much care should be available or it it time to just go with palliative care.

jeannegibbs Mar 2014
agarcaraman, if she is in the final stage of Alzheimer's, I think you would both benefit from having hospice involved. The nurse can offer suggestions and help keep Mom comfortable and keep you reassured.

littlemama Mar 2014
By the way, she didn't vomited but one time, if she did it again she would went straight to ED because she rarely vomits.

littlemama Mar 2014
Is it vomiting or holding food in her mouth also was her food greasy. My mom vomited or spit up lots of food and scared me to death. I started to call the ambulance. I took her blood pressure & checked her pulse, it was okay, found out she was very sleepy. This was in late afternoon, I let her lie down for a few hours, checking on her often and after she slept awhile she was back to herself. By the way, later on that day she ate like a little pig. :). Another thing sometimes they vomit if they hadn't had a bowel movement too. Certain meds and no fluids makes it difficult for them to have a bowel movement, also check for acid reflux, that is a booger.

agarcaraman Mar 2014
Thankyou all for your input.I will try the sweeten rice .She tries so hard to eat for me,I was thinking acid reflux also. Again thankyou for input. God bless

vstefans Mar 2014
The vomiting back up part isn't that typical of Alzheimers - there could be something fixable there, or at least something to do to make her more comfortable. Just an acid reflux medicine would make sense to try for starters, especially if you would not want to do much more aggressive at this point.

abc1234567890 Mar 2014
You said that you mentioned it to the doctor. What did the doctor say about it?

Angelkw Mar 2014
Is it vomiting? Or is it aspirating because she has lost the ability to swallow? If its the latter, it's definitely a part of the final stages. Vomiting could indicate lots of different issues...but it is possible she is shutting down. I would just advise to make her comfortable...perhaps hospice?


kcandrick Mar 2014
It sounds like her body functions may be starting to shut down. If you do not have Hospice, its time to get them involved. They are wonderful! Her doctor can recommend them for you and it is covered by insurance and medicare/medicade. If she is in the final stages of Alzheimer;s, its time to make her comfortable and let nature take its course.

anonymous158299 Mar 2014
try sweetened rice. its virtually predigested and hits the stomach like a brick. takes nearly zero energy to digest. very high energy output. spike it with flavored yogurt for the purpose of palate - ability.

StandingAlone Mar 2014
If this continues, it could get dangerous for her health. She could get dehydrated from all the throwing up. Call 911 if this goes on more than 24 hours. It's the only thing I can think of.

In the meantime, fix her some hot peppermint or fennel tea. It might soothe her stomach and she'll get back some fluids. If she vomits up most liquids more than 24 hours, call 911.

In fact, if it gets bad enough, or she really starts to act strange or weak, call 911, asap. You might want to do that anyway, soon. Follow your gut.

I hope she feels better soon. *hugs*


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