My mother and father have lived with me and my husband for over 10 years now. My mother has to go to the Dr a lot. She has had cancer 3 times now. Not a good idea for me to go to work but we cannot afford for me to stay home and take care of them. Does medicare/Medicaid offer compensation for me to stay home and take care of them?
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Medicaid has a waiver program that can be used to keep people "in the community" -- that is, out of nursing homes. Each state runs the waiver program differently, so you'll have to check what is available in your state.
Can your parents be left alone during the day? What kind of care do they need? If the only need right now is going to appointments, perhaps what they would be offered is transportation as needed. If they do need some care, the care may be provided, so that you can continue working, or you could be paid for the care (though it would not be as much as a fulltime job.) Again, states are different in what is available.
Here the waiver program can be used for daycare programs, where the elders go to a center for part of the day. That also helps caregivers keep there jobs.
If your parents are getting to a point where they need more care than you can provide while you continue to work fulltime, I think it is time to investigate what options are available to you.