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edwardkimusa777 Asked April 2014

I am 68 with Medicare and Medicaid. I have dental difficulty lost two back teeth and one front tooth. What am I supposed to do with no money?

blannie Apr 2014
Also contact your township or county officials to see if there is other help. In my area here in Illinois, our township has a van that goes around our community with dentists who work on low income folks. So check around beyond just Medicaid to see if there's other help available out there.


jeannegibbs Apr 2014
The dentists who accept Medicaid are few and far between, but your caseworker should have a list of them. The one my husband used was excellent.

pamstegma Apr 2014
Medicaid has dental coverage. Your best bet is to find a dental school near you, but you will be on a waiting list.

jeannegibbs Apr 2014
Have you talked to your Medicaid case worker? I don't know how your state handles it, but Medicaid does cover dental care in my state.


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