I know someone just posted on this, but I can't find the thread on this site. So, here is much the same question as the one from the person from the other day: What is the first step I need to take in revoking my Durable Power of Attorney duties? I would like a non-sibling to take over (preferably a non-family member, period). My mother has not been declared incompetent, but she obviously is in stages of dementia. She has just a matter of months left. Hospice visits weekly. My brother lives with her (she moved from my home back to hers two weeks ago), and cares for her, supposedly. He refuses to give me an accounting of his expeditures, other than to say it's for groceries and medicines for our mom. He has withdrawn an average of $100 per day from Mom's ATM ($1500 to date). She took out an $11k loan for him - in secret - so he could get out of debt, a couple days after she moved back home. When Mom lived here, her medicines cost maybe $200 a month. Hospice has added some, but I will have to call them to find out what they cost. She is covered by Medicare and a supplemental insurance as well. Mom has her checking account set up so the bank automatically kicks in money from her home equity account if the checking one gets low. She feels that my sister and I are gossiping and spreading lies about our brother. That is why I don't want to make any power plays towards him - my mother will do battle with me to defend my brother. I don't want him to have POA either. He is a walking disaster in every way (doesn't work, lives on Social Security and disability, loses keys, phones, is on some powerful meds himself, but is the biggest and most selfish baby in the world. He's 65.) So now that I have described this situation as best I can, can someone please advise me as to how to get out from under being POA without allowing it to go to my brother. Our mom is sure to try for that if I let her know my plan, as he is the eldest and my sister would not want this job any more than I do. Do I contact the attorney who originally wrote it up? Of course, I would also notify my mom just prior to doing that. Thanks to all who post on this subject - I wish you well.
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