She lives by herself with her dog, takes physical care of herself but has some memory loss (startings of dementia or altheimers they said) she was taken from her home due to being a hoarder and house being condemned and put her in a home,,,I got her out and had her put in an apartment. she is doing well but thanks to her good friend she does not trust me. I tried to get that friend to be her guardian but evidently she does not want to..(nice friend!) all talk no action. This lady is now so mean to me does not want me careing for her...I found out after the guardianship she has 2 daughters she has not seen in 20 years and have not yet been able to find or contact them.and she wants no contact with them..I do not want to be her guardian anymore and she does not want me either....If she does not have one she will go into a home where she does not deserve to be. What are my options here?? I am in PA.
11 Answers
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It doesn't sound like she's worried about losing guardianship but would give it up gladly but not if it meant the state would automatically send her to a "home." I doubt the state would become involved unless (as CFCrochester implies) she is breaking a law or something. I agree.
Wow hard to believe that a Hoarding Seminar didn't mention the breaking of sanitation laws.... Watch the show Hoarders and I believe you will see that many are cleaning up under court orders. My friend's parents were ordered by the courts to empty their home of hoarding piles of newspapers and such.
You don't say much about her hoarding. From what I know about hoarding, taking her out of her house would have been quite traumatic. In fact so traumatic, I'm surprised she is even talking to you. And I'm surprised the government (assuming she owned the home) was able to legally remove her. I've never heard of a law against hoarding, unless a child also lived in the squaller. But she can literally be sleeping on a pile of garbage, and there should be nothing they can do about it.... again, this is from what I've been taught at a Hoarding Seminar I attended last fall.
I suggest you go to a Para-legal-they are not as expensive, unless $ is not an issue.
Good luck & GODS speed....