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Moberg Asked April 2014

Any advice about falls?

Eyerishlass Apr 2014
Like pam said, with the dementia you can't count on reminders being effective.

Is there someone with her all the time? That person can just continue to place the walker in her space so your mom will use it. Verbal cues, verbal cues, and more verbal cues. That's the only way. But someone has to be with your mom in order to give verbal cues. Even if your mom had a Life Alert necklace and fell she may not remember to push it. If you don't have in-home help yet now would be the time to hire some.

Gypsyzee Apr 2014
I see this with a friend's mother all the time. It's a miracle that she hasn't broken something - she has a falling technique and just sort of folds into it. But absolutely the dementia makes it so she simply does not remember to use her cane. I'm not sure there is a real solution other than prayer.


pamstegma Apr 2014
We just took her bleepin' cane away. She is in the hospital for yet another fall, that went on to become cellulitis. You cannot reason with dementia.

Moberg Apr 2014
Sorry, I was going for a topic but since I'm there anyone that has had any luck talking to their elders with dementia (AD) about their falling and needing to use their walkers all the time? My Mom still doesn't believe that she has any problems with falling and will try to walk without her walker. We've tried notes all over on walls and doors, but they are just wallpaper to her and she doesn't heed then. Anyone with any ideas?


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