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pami68 Asked May 2014

What to do you do when your sister wants Mom to give her money and won't say why?

My mom got a call from my sister, saying she needs money and didnt say. She has already borrowed 4000 dollars and hasnt paid it back.
My mom has appointed me poa . I dont know what to do. She doent have a whole lot of money. She has saving which is forher funeral and hospital expenses when she gets sick. Anybody have any ideas. Pami

pami68 May 2014
thanks Ki! Pami

vstefans May 2014
Don't give it to her. Period.

Give her literature on credit counseling and/or substance abuse recovery, whichever is appropriate, instead.


pami68 May 2014
Thanks Pam. My mom and I are going tpo the bank and tell them she wants me as a POA and that my mom wants my signature below hers as a poa saying only she and I can get money out. My gut feeling was saying this is not right and my mom was real upset too. pami

pamstegma May 2014
Your gut feeling tells you something is wrong and your gut feeling is absolutely right. Sis has a problem. As for Mom, if she gives money away and then needs Medicaid to pay for a nursing home, they will penalize her for the money she gave away. That would leave Mom without a nursing home. So follow your gut and tell sis you can't because then mom won't get Medicaid when she needs it. You'll be telling the truth.


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