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57twin Asked May 2014

My Dad licks his plate clean after eating. Anyone else experience this?

If he doesn't have bread or some other food to wipe the plate clean he picks it up and licks it years ago he did this with the ice cream dish but now every dish has to be clean. I have to be quick and grab the dish before this starts. Anyone else have this happen?

freqflyer May 2014
57twin, I bet hardly anyone even notices your Dad doing that while at a restaurant. Most part, if someone does notice they are thinking "wow, I need to order what he's had, it must have been good". :)

LooDell May 2014
I wish mom would do that too. I cry to see the valuable, expensive coconut oil go down the drain. She will not even spoon it up, because she is so neat and proper. She never uses a spoon on a flat plate. So she would dish her soup up and eat the solids with a fork trying to get some liquid with it. I make soup thick.
I would say, give him bread indeed. If I put bread on the table, mom will eat it and cannot finish what is on the plate.


57twin May 2014
Except for when we go out to eat as its a bit embarrassing .

freqflyer May 2014
In the equations of things, I would just let him to that. He's not hurting anything.

Eyerishlass May 2014
I have never heard of or seen this!

Are you looking for advice on how to get him to stop? Always have bread available.

pamstegma May 2014
If you had grown up during the Great Depression, you would lick your plate too.


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