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missy3300 Asked May 2014

My Mom's in constant pain and always cold. How do I help her?

My mom is constantly cold in her lower extremities. She calls it 'rheumatism' but has never been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I am not sure if what kind of doctor to see next.

AnotherVoice Aug 2014
A geriatric specialist would be your best overall bet (these physicians specialize in the needs of the elderly). Orthopedic doctors are your best bet for acute injuries, whereas chronic pain may require the help of a pain management specialist. Perpetually cold extremities could signify circulatory problems, in which case a vascular specialist or cardiologist might be needed.

sharirose Jul 2014
I agree that your Mom should be assessed by her physician. Have them check her thyroid it can cause a person to be cold if the thyroid gland is not functioning correctly. Next have her checked for anemia. That is somewhere to start. Then ask her physician if she can participate in senior exercises at the local Senior Center. Exercise may help her joint paint and it may help her from being lonely. Some S. Centers have a bus that picks the seniors up and brings them home again. They also serve a noon meal for a small fee. She would have someone to eat with. God Bless ShariRose


jeannegibbs May 2014
If Mom doesn't really have a primary care doctor, getting a geriatrician in that role would be very helpful.

Eyerishlass May 2014
Begin with her PCP. Most elderly people are frequently cold. Your mom calls it 'rheumatism', my grandma called it 'thin blood'. However, the 'constant pain' should be checked out.

pamstegma May 2014
First stop is her primary MD who can refer her to Neurologist or Orthopedic specialist.


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