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Cloud9caretaker Asked May 2014

Dementia patient wishes to stay at home for their last days medical care. How can this be handled financially, medically and financially?

Important discussion. If such a choice to stay at home is made, then how would the spouse/caregiver have enough physical support for 24 hour around the clock care for the patient which could probably occur almost constantly? Financially, that would prove to be unreasonable since the medicare/medical supplement insurance would not cover it?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF May 2014
My first thought was hospice. Hospice helps in any setting that is home for the person who needs their care. Talk over the options with them, and then, if more people are needed, it's possible that family and friends can fill in.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

jeannegibbs May 2014
Has Hospice been called? They can help with these kinds of decisions and explain what kinds of aid are available. Hospice care can occur at home, in a nursing home, or in a hospice center. Medicare covers hospice care.

Most people would prefer to die at home. Most spouses would like to provide that option. It isn't always feasible, but it should not be dismissed without careful consideration.


Eyerishlass May 2014
Hospice, absolutely. I wouldn't even consider caring for my loved one in their final days without the support of hospice.

wandakay May 2014
We had hospice with my father before he passed away and they were no help. They only came in for instructions and then left. You could call for questions but they would not provide physical help with the dying. They provided volunteers to sit with the patients but they were not medical professionals.


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