Felicity - Medicaid and the general public need more fraudsters like this to be put out of busniess. Thank you for striking a blow not just for Mom, but for all of us taxpayers and for those of us who would like to see rehabilitation have a good name and real value.
Rehab is a joke! My husband fell and broke his collar bone three years ago, and the doctor asked me if I would like for her to send him to rehab for a week before I bring him home, and since our insurance was willing to pay 100% for a week,I said of course. They were short staffed, they were not as watchful as they should have been, and I was glad to get him back home where he would have far better care than he was getting in rehab. So! It doesn't matter whether it's rehab, or assisted living, or whatever it is. They are incompetent! I would never put my husband in a nursing home now that he has dementia. Not in a million years!
If mom is not getting services she was supposed to get, such as regular walking or rehab exercises, be sure to check with Medicare or insurance to see if she is getting charged. When my mom was in rehab, she told me she wasn't doing much. When I checked, the facility was writing "refused treatment" on her chart and billing Medicare (even though they had never come into her room to get her). They get paid still if the patient refuses. I stayed at the facility with her all day when she was supposed to go for exercises and walks...they never came for her. Not once. I threatened to call Medicare and expose them for the fraud and she finally got services. It is really easy for them to defraud the system and get paid for nothing. And without having to provide everyone their services, they can hire fewer people. This particular facility is no longer in business.
My Mom's health plan has a nurse coordinator who oversees plan members who are assigned to a group of NHs in a specific area. How did your Mom get to this particular NH? Did her health plan say that she would be moved there? Then they have an arrangement with the NH. Talk to the plan and find out if they have a coordinator of some type between the Plan and the NH. Talk to them and express your concerns and let them find out and if necessary be the "Tough Guy/Gal". There was such a person at Mom's rehab facility and she reached out to me upon arrival, gave me her contact information, and let me know that she was available to go nose-to-nose with the NH if necessary about anything medical. She/he is in a better position to evaluate your Mom's progress and whether she is getting the care and support she is supposed to be getting.
Yes, more information is needed. Being assertive over the phone is a great beginning, and that should be enough to put the facility on notice that you plan to hold them accountable. That is, they should then act accordingly! Your physical presence, if possible, helps them to know you are very involved and plan to make sure your mother gets the care she needs. They should be willing to INVITE you to their care planning meetings. The rehab facility my Mom is currently in invites her and family members (me) to the meetings. As it turns out this week I was too ill to attend, but the nurse case manager filled me in in great detail in a phone call later. And my mother actually attended, when she at first said she couldn't be bothered (dementia and stubbornness speaking). Continue to be "diplomatically" assertive with the social workers, care managers, etc. I find that most people want to do the right thing and need someone to light a fire under them. If that does not work, you may need to involve supervisors and/or ombudsmen. Your mother's well-being is the most important thing here, of course, not being concerned as to whether you step on toes.
You need to have a clear knowledge and list of what rehab services you believe your Mother is to receive. There should have been some type of meeting with a high level staff member within a few days of your Mom's arrival to confirm the goals they have for her. Are those goals and your expectations the same?
OK - next. If the goal was to, for example, increase her mobility, walking, and arm strength, they will start by seeing how far she can walk. If she can barely get from her bed to the bathroom, with assistance, then she isn't ready for the treadmill or exercise bike. Before they work on hand weights, they need to see whether she can coordinate feeding herself. Baby steps sometimes. They probably have physical therapists on staff and perhaps you can meet with them.
PinkTears - Facilities can't allow anyone who isn't on staff to attend a team meeting. It would be a big violation of the privacy of all of the other residents who would be discussed at the meeting. Family meetings are something different and if cantyesce's mom is not getting adequate rehab, she should definitely ask the director to arrange one. They are a great way to get all those concerned to 'pull in the same direction' and they help to realistically set expectations for everyone involved.
Not all rehab facilities invite family members to attend team meetings anymore...(sadly)...even the 'best' ones...You may need to ask for the "Care Coordinator" or the "Primary Nurse" to meet with you and take your concerns to to the group - but DO find someone who will address your concerns!
When my grandmother was in a rehab facility, we had one large family meeting with the head of nursing, the social worker, the lead nutritionist, Activities Director and one of the therapists so we could all be on the same page with her care. You need to demand a family meeting so you can voice your concerns in person, and find out the care plan they have for your mom. Could you please provide more specific issues you're experiencing in your situation?
Need more information. Is mom not getting services because she's not able to participate yet? Are they short staffed-- in which case call the ombudsman right away.
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OK - next. If the goal was to, for example, increase her mobility, walking, and arm strength, they will start by seeing how far she can walk. If she can barely get from her bed to the bathroom, with assistance, then she isn't ready for the treadmill or exercise bike. Before they work on hand weights, they need to see whether she can coordinate feeding herself. Baby steps sometimes. They probably have physical therapists on staff and perhaps you can meet with them.
Family meetings are something different and if cantyesce's mom is not getting adequate rehab, she should definitely ask the director to arrange one. They are a great way to get all those concerned to 'pull in the same direction' and they help to realistically set expectations for everyone involved.