What online company can my Mom get her adult underwear and pads?
Where her insurance covers it and delivers. I just need a medical place that carries Depends Adult Underwaer and Poise Pads as well as pads for a bed. I need a place where her insurance will cover it. and deliver
I AGREE! I buy Depends for my Mom where ever they are on sale for $11.99 for 20 count. The lady who told me about this said that the lady who had told Her, said she likes them a lot better than the Depends, and they were cheaper. (By the way, i get the Silouettes (sp). Mom complains that the ones that she uses kind of ball up and get hard.
I too am going to check out website. I find that the home health medical center store is so expensive. I get tranquility overnights and they're $27 bucks for 17 diapers. Too much.
I just got this a wk ago, and haven't ordered anything yet, but it ws highly recommended. binsons I understand that they will send samples so you will know what size and selection you might want. They are on my list to call Today (-:
I found a website for you that might be helpful: seekwellnessstore -- they have products for men and women, but they also have a spot where you can click on to talk to a healthcare person who could help you with any questions about products and also about what my work better for your mom. I also found that Tena products work well, and I believe they will even ship in plain packages. I had some for my mom (she suffered from incontinence) shipped to my home because that package was very bulky and it was easier for me to bring them to her a few packages at a time.
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I understand that they will send samples so you will know what size and selection you might want. They are on my list to call Today (-:
I also found that Tena products work well, and I believe they will even ship in plain packages. I had some for my mom (she suffered from incontinence) shipped to my home because that package was very bulky and it was easier for me to bring them to her a few packages at a time.