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amanda413 Asked June 2014

Will Medicaid pay for assisted living if you have been to prison in the past?

my father in law was denied help from HUD because he had once been in prison. he needs assisted living care now...will Medicaid deny him as well?

4Grandys Jul 2014
Good job Googleing, Pam!

pamstegma Jun 2014
No, I don't know it all, but I google well. Then I copy and paste the answer a lot of times. Like this time with some minor edits for the dates.


BarbBrooklyn Jun 2014
Pam, you know everthing!

pamstegma Jun 2014
Beginning in January 2014, states that agree to the Medicaid expansion will be required to provide Medicaid to all non-elderly low-income adults. For the first time, many of the 5 million ex-offenders on parole or probation will be eligible for the assistance. It applies to those released from either state or federal prisons. The exceptions will be former prisoners living in those states that currently have limited Medicaid eligibility for adults and that ultimately opt out of the Medicaid expansion, a choice accorded the states in the U.S. Supreme Court’s ACA ruling June 2012


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