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cindyatmb64 Asked July 2014

Why could my Dad's legs be turning white and scaly?

My dad's legs are usually red and shiny from poor circulation.. Now they are white and scaly. Part of it in the back is turning brown. I am afraid that he may be getting some sort of infection. Has anyone seen this? I should note. We are having trouble getting him to shower.

Sodonewithsal1 Jul 2014
Psoriasis? Eczema? You should ask his doctor.

cindyatmb64 Jul 2014
Thank you all! Hope the bathing will help. If I can get him in there.:( And he refuses to let anyone help.


Chicago1954 Jul 2014
Mother's legs were scaly like that. She was going weeks without bathing and only eating from McDonald's etc. Once she got into the NH, her skin is great. Bathing and a good diet, did the trick.

Sheilaallison1 Jul 2014
My husband has alzheimers. I have POA for finances. I am now wondering if I should have one for medical. I have living will and I am his health care surrogate. As his wife do I need a POA for medical?

pamstegma Jul 2014
White and scaly is dead skin. Ask him if you can wash the lower legs for him. The brown could be dirt on top of the skin, or blood cells if it is under the skin. A good washing will tell you the difference. You might ask his doctor to assign a weekly bath aide.

JessieBelle Jul 2014
This is a good question for your father's doctor. Make an appointment so that the doctor can look at his legs to see what is going on. Let us know what the doctor says. As a caregiver I am not competent to diagnose this type problem, but a doctor should be able to help.


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