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Need4Hugs Asked July 2014

If health care proxy is invoked due to dementia while parent is in the hospital, does this stay active indefinitely?

Parent was hospitalized and could not make rational decisions about having surgeries. She was diagnosed with dementia by the hospital psychiatrist and HPO was invoked. She has recovered after being cared for in a rehab. Now she lives on her own and insists that she can make her own decisions.

MaggieMarshall Jul 2014
If your mom won't sign a permanent form on her own, I'd say you have a problem. If she already signed one, then you have it. Unless she formally revokes it in writing, the ball's still in your court. Don't listen to me, though, I'm not an attorney. ;)

SusanEB Jul 2014
When my mom was in hospital she was diagnosed with dementia but the real problem was not being fed. When she was at home with me she would be fine. VEGGIES ARE IMPORTANT TO THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE BRAIN!!! I can't stress that enough! In addition, a nurse advised me to have a doctor remove the finding from her records WHILE during a stay in the hospital. Otherwise you must appear before a judge, with attorney and two independent witnesses to remove it later.


Eyerishlass Jul 2014
Just hang onto it in case you need it again. You probably will.

Patathome01 Jul 2014
Ask a social worker to determine if your parent is truly able to make all her decisions for her own care. That way her health and safety is confirmed.


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