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steviegirl Asked July 2014

Anyone out there have elders suffering from "weekend" syndrome sort of like Sundown but happens on weekends?

And I mean all weekend. Sun up till sundown. Runs the whole crazy gamut. Thinks her parents are alive. Thinks I'm running from the law or something and that's why I'm here in her home. Last night mom saw a fire and would not believe me when I told her that there was no fire. Told me she wanted to call fire department but didn't want to get me in trouble. Ain't that sweet? Wish she had so I could use the documentation for the judge. Anyhow anyone else experiencing fun filled weekends filled with drama, tears, and delusions of not so grandeur?

MaggieMarshall Jul 2014
I'd say these "weekend episodes" are due to something other than being similar to sundowner's. Perhaps she notices a change in routine that bothers her . . . or you eat differently on Friday night so her meds effect her differently. (Congestive heart failure is exacerbated by diet and can cause confusion.)

Most people with dementia, which your mom obviously has, don't even know what day it is . . . so reacting to weekends would be, well, weird.

pamstegma Jul 2014
Yes, Friday I took Mom to a rehab facility for an inpatient stay. She was convinced I was dumping her in a nursing home, and acted out badly. Today (Sunday) she is much better, and cooperating with the PT program.



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