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56sister Asked August 2014

Where can I find a live-in facility in United Healthcare's network where my sister (83) can get temporary therapy after hip surgery?

The surgery was July 30th. The hospital wants to transfer her tomorrow, Aug 4th, to a live-in non-United Healthcare network facility for 20 or so days of therapy before returning home. She can't afford to pay the full load. Going to a facility in United Healthcare's network is crucial. I would like to visit with her daily if you can recommend a qualified facility not too far from northeast St. Petersburg.

pamzimmrrt Aug 2014
The hospital social worker was a godsend when Mom was in the hospital. Helped us get Mom into a rehab here in MD (2 hours from her hospital in PA) and the transfer and everything. I only had to worry about getting Dad here to MD on short notice (he has ALZ). The rehab was wonderful and only 10 minutes from our home, so Dad could visit her twice a day.

geewiz Aug 2014
Medicare is the provider of Rehab services post surgery. (As long as the hospital stay requirements were met). They have the '20' day time frame for full pay and then 80% of the coverage for the next 80 days IF that additional time is needed and the person is progressing. Call the rehab facilities you are considering. They vary in what they offer! Some do one hour of therapy a day, others do 3 hours a day. Good luck


GardenArtist Aug 2014
FF raises an important issue. I missed the fact that your sister is 83, so she should have Medicare. If United is the supplemental insurer, there shouldn't be an issue.

Could you clarify this?

freqflyer Aug 2014
I agree with GardenArtist's above posting.... you need to contact the discharge planner or hospital case worker.

Also, I was under the impression that Medicare would cover the first 20 days (plus or minus), you might want to ask the planner/case worker.

GardenArtist Aug 2014
Call United first thing tomorrow and ask them to help you find a facility which accepts their insurance. In the meantime, you can also do some research today by calling facilities near you that have rehab programs. Just ask to speak to someone in Admissions and ask if they accept United HealthCare.

You might also find some information on facilities on United's website.

Asking for a recommendation here isn't necessarily the best way to find a facility because not that many posters would likely be familiar with your area, with the facilities in that area, and/or which ones accept United. That does require some research time.

In addition, if you were dissatisfied or had a bad experience, the poster(s) might be blamed. These are decisions that a family should make itself.

However, the discharge planner should be doing a better job of offering you choices instead of making the decision for you. In my experience, the discharge planner will give the patient's family a list of facilities within a few county area of the patient's residence. It's then up to you to check them out, physically, so the discharge planner can send copies of the patient's records to them for review and decision if they will accept the patient, and in cases of Medicare coverage, if they have Medicare beds.

I would call the treating physician or hospital administrator today, or anyone you can get in authority, and explain the situation, stating also that the selected rehab facility doesn't accept your sister's insurance and is not a suitable facility for that reason. Ask for their intervention to help you find a facility.

Ask also if they have an ombudsperson who could help resolve this issue, ASAP.

Depending on the hospital, they may or may not help you, but the decision to place someone in a facility which doesn't accept that patient's insurance is irresponsible and unreasonable.

56sister Aug 2014
The sister's home is in Seminole, Fl 33772


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