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jlttks111 Asked August 2014

Has anyones loved one ever seen something like a spinner?

Dad sees this a black hole type deal. Scares him a lot. First time I have EVER SEEN MY DAD AFRAID of anything in my life. Broke my heart. He was up and standing next to it dressed in his hallucination. He was frightened. I stayed with him and gave him some ativan. He is resting now. He is on hospice. I think the end is approaching. ?.but how it tears me apart to see him afraid.....

Tryingmybest Aug 2014
I know how heartbreaking this is for you. I have been with a few loved ones near or at the end of their lives and all of them "saw" things. My father in law kept seeing a man sitting in the corner and wanted to know who he was. He did not seem afraid though. My ex husband saw his deceased brother in the room and it did frighten him at first. I think my grandmother hallucinated too. She was not able to talk but she kept looking at something that we could not see with alarm on her face.

It's such a helpless feeling to watch a loved one coming to the end. All you can do is let them know they are loved.

kazzaa Aug 2014
Strange i was showing mum something on the internet a photo of my nephew she looked and seemed to see him clearly then she said i cant see him now theres a big black blurr on the screen?? Now mum is not in late stages but im wondering does your dad have diabetes?


Sodonewithsal1 Aug 2014
Does your dad have age-related macular degeneration? It can cause a loss of vision in the center of the visual field. However, it would probably look more like a blur or a blank space than a "black hole-type deal."
Does he see this "spinner" often? Is it always there or does it come and go? Is it a new symptom? Is he on any new medication? By "spinner," I'm guessing that it appears to spin like a pinwheel?
Pam Stegman is correct: Haldol may help him, but it can also cause hallucinations. So can morphine. If the Ativan helped, that's good, although it can also cause hallucinations. (Seems like everything strong enough to banish the evil spinner has the potential of causing hallucinations. Such is life, I guess.)
What does your father's doctor say?

pamstegma Aug 2014
The Haldol may help him. So will the morphine. Been there. Done that.


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