My husband is 53 years old. What I thought was cute and quirky about him, and his impulsiveness, was actually the onset of dementia. We were engaged to married and planning our wedding, when all of a sudden, I came home from work one day, and he was really disoriented. I called the Doctor and took him in. We then spent the next 6 months going to doctors to find out what was wrong. He was first diagnosed with Alzheimer's through a lumbar puncture. Then a few months later, a PET scan showed both Alzheimer's and Frontotemperal Dementia. He is declining faster than I had hoped. Showing more of the dementia signs, than the Alzheimer's. My son and I provide care for him. My husband chose not to drive as soon as he found out. He has recently started waking up angry everyday, having delusions of people throwing things at him. I am at home for now because I lost my job, and am struggling to find something closer to home. I have not been able to find anyone else similar to me and feel like there is no support available for wives of younger onset dementia. I am not able to find anyone who can relate to what I am going through. I have no support other than talking with his mom, who lives in another state. I don't know where to turn for support.
10 Answers
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You should read the book edited by Lisa Radin and her son , What If It's Not Alzheimers? Be sure to protect your finances from his quirkiness. That's a common problem. The sites mentioned earlier will help you immensely because of the way the FTD seems to dominate over the AD. You will get support and information from people who get it. See you there.
Your husband is so young to have this diagnosis. So darned discouraging. I can imagine that you'd feel very alone. See if there's an Alzheimer's support group in your area. Give it a half-dozen meetings to see if it speaks to you.
Prayers sent your way. God bless.
I joined a support group for caregivers of persons with Lewy Body Dementia. I found it invaluable. I'd earlier tried an Alzheimer caregiver support group and found it far less helpful for may particular situation.
My heart goes out to you.
Red Mountain Active Adult Center
7550 E Adobe (Classroom 5)
1st & 3rd Friday, 2:00 pm
* Respite available, call 480.641.7644 in advance
St. Mattew United Methodist Church
2540 W. Baseline Road (Bldg. B, Room B-12)
1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm
Sunland Village East
2145 S Farnsworth Drive (Saguaro Room)
3rd Thursday, 1:00 pm
Hope that helps. is an excellent website.
This must be very difficult to handle. To be ready to start your life together and then be dealt this news. There are people who will help you find information and resources.
Is your husband able to discuss his concerns, wishes and desires for the future? Do you know what stage he is at?
I would think about the future now so you can make plans.
Do you and your husband have medical insurance? Long term care insurance?